30: the end pt.1

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Well this was definitely not good. It had been an approximate 37 minutes since Ashton,Michael and Luke came over and Charlie was starting to pull her hair out from the root. She paced and paced around in her room (because she was still unaware of Calum's birthday gift to her.) "I have to go back out there."

"Charlie. You need to relax." Michael stood up and placed his large hands on her shoulders, making Charlie stop. "Calum will be okay. And if he isn't, He's Calum. It's not like he would die or something."

"Good job Bro. You successfully filled her head with that possibility." Luke gave him a cheesy thumbs up and Ashton was half asleep curled in between Charlie's soft bed sheets. With as much energy he has, when he crashes, it's lights out. "But Michael is right Char. There is no use in crying over spilt milk. Calum will be here. And we'll stay when he comes."

"But what if he doesn't? Luke, you said that he wouldn't." Charlie shrieked and paced again regardless if she would bump into Michael every so often.

"Good job Bro. You successfully filled her head with that possibility." Michael turned and repeated what Luke said.

"Charlie we need to tell you something." Michael finally worked the courage to tell Charlie the well-known dirty little secret. Michael fell back in her pink bean bag chair and rested his hands behind his head getting comfortable.

"Tell me what?" She looked back and forth between Luke, chomping on his gum that had well lost its flavor and Michael who was tracing his finger tattoos over and over.

"Your friend Phoenix and your boyfriend Calum hate each other for a reason."

"Yeah because of Liv. I already knew that." Charlie rested her hand on her hip and rolled her eyes. "Tell me something I don't know."

"Well that's part of the reason why Phoenix doesn't like Cal." Luke pointed out. "Calum had owed Phoenix some stuff because of Liv's death."


"Because Phoenix was in love with Olivia. And Calum had stolen her from him. You are all that he has left and Calum had taken you from him as well."

Charlie was speechless. She was quite an oblivious and sheltered child and would've never thought in a million years that Phoenix MacAllister and Olivia Schreave-Porters would be in love. And Olivia was gone by the hand (or rather man part) of Calum Hood. Luke was right when he said that Charlie was all that Phoenix had left. And she's been gone from his world for way longer than she had planned.

"So because Calum had technically killed Liv, him and Phoenix had made a deal. Which we don't know all the details about that. But we do know that Phoenix promised Calum that he would pay if he ever let him down. Which he did. Calum had completely forgotten about him because of you and now he's paying the price." Michael summed it all up. "I hate to break it to you Char, but he ain't coming back."

"Michael! Don't tell her that. She's already scarred." Luke scolded Michael for being so blunt.

"She deserved to know the truth finally. Stop lying to the girl."

"But that's for Calum to tell." Luke stood up and walked over to where Michael was sitting, and shot him in the face with his crackling blue eyes.

"He won't be able to tell her. It's our job." Michael stood up as well and shoved Luke out of the way. He was determined to drill this notion into Charlie's head. "Calum isn't coming back Charlie and he won't be able to tell you this. It's out job to let you know."

"He said he would be here. Stop saying that." Charlie clapped her hands over her ears even though she knew that what Michael was saying was probably true.

"He isn't coming back Charlie! Calum is gone!"

to be continued...

(i told you guys the end was near.xxx.)

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