4: stalkerism

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Charlie found herself at a desk in the far back of the near empty library when Calum Hoodlum🌸, flashed on her iPhone screen. Her thumbs fought between answer and decline but in the end she answered it. "Charlie Carters."

"Calum Hood." She smiled at the sound of his voice. It was after school and most kids would be at either the mall or getting Starbucks. But that wasn't a part of Charlie's daily cycle. Eat. Sleep. Read. Repeat. "What's up?" She spoke lowly and pretended to be studying in case the librarian was doing her rounds.

"Nothing much. What about you?"

"I'm at the library. I practically live here." Charlie rested her head against the cool pages of her open textbook. They hadn't talked to each other since the day Charlie was leaving graveyard gifts. Calum was too busy being swamped with his friends and other girls to talk to Charlie. Charlie didn't want to be clingy because she wasn't even sure if they were considered friends in his eyes. So she watched him have fun a variety of people and a numerous amount of girls. Charlie wasn't sure if that made her the "jealous type" if she didn't like seeing him with other people. But she had to remind herself that they had just officially met.

"Okay I want you to get up from where you are and walk to the middle of the library where all the computers are."

"Calum? Are you a stalker?" Charlie slowly rose from her seat and worked up the nerve to go out and find him.

"Not a stalker. I just happened to know exactly where to find you. You texted me that you'd be here. That's not an act of stalkerism. Just listen to me."

"Fine. I'm coming." Charlie reluctantly followed his orders and walked to the middle where the computers are. "Now what?"

"Turn around." Charlie turned around only to see a wide smiled Calum holding a stuffed raccoon. It had big blue eyes and blue fur. It's tail curled and it's ears were huge. "Happy Tuesday!" He whispered excitedly.

"Happy Tuesday." She whispered back. Charlie embraced the stuffed creature with a hug and propped it on her hip. "Thanks Calum. You didn't have to."

"I wanted to though. This is like to prove that our friendship is official because friends get other friends gifts for no reason." Calum shoved his hands in his pockets and a smile rested on his face. Charlie didn't know much about love. But she knew that she was falling for Calum.

Later that evening, Calum found himself eating yet another pizza and continuously texting Charlie not listening to the conversation that was being held. "Cal!" Ashton slapped his hand and brought him back to reality. "Stop being so stalkerish."

"It's not stalkerism if the girl tells you what she's doing." Calum retorted and took another bite of his slice of pizza.

"Yeah but it's more than just friends if you are constantly texting." Luke rose his eyebrows and pulled his ring in between his teeth. "Anyway what were we talking about?"

"You were talking about how horny you are for girls." Calum reinforced the conversation half paying attention half not.

"Oh right thanks Cal. Anyway. So Brielle is falling over Mike but I'm pretty convinced that she just wants his dick." Luke shrugged.

"At least someone wants my dick. And I don't like her because her boobs aren't as big as Gianna's. Fake or not. She has a nice rack."

Calum couldn't do anything but realize that he was almost the same way noticing physical things that made girls attractive like if she has big breast or a beautiful colour of eyes. But Charlie wasn't like any of those girls. "I think Cal has a crush on Charlie." Ashton made accusations. "It's because she has a body like an hourglass.She could give it to you all the time."

"Charlie's not like that." Calum defended her. "She isn't even close."

"So she's a prude. End of story." Luke seemed uninterested in the topic at hand. Calum's phone pinged again with another text from Charlie. "Stop practicing in your major of stalkerism man."

Stalkerism isn't a practice...

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