18: vanilla bean frappè

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Just like Charlie thought he would, Calum fell off the planet again. And this time it was for two months. He wasn't at school. He wasn't leaving notes in her locker or throwing rocks at her window anymore.

Charlie hadn't bothered picking up the phone and calling once even after Tristan left to go back to school. And right now wasn't a good time to either since she was busy at her new job at Starbucks. It seemed as though all hell broke loose and Charlie's mother had started beating her again for whatever reason. If anyone were to see her undressed, they would find lumps and bruises everywhere. Not a single inch of skin was left untreated by her mothers wrath. Charlie decided as soon as she turned 18 she was moving out, getting her own place and wouldn't have to live in Carters estate with her crazy, abusive mother anymore.

She had only prayed that the combined hours of the record store and Starbucks could scrap enough money for a reasonable place in the beautiful city of San Francisco. Besides the pay, one perk was that she gets five minutes break every hour whenever she pleases. And, she got to hang out and fool around with Luke. Now that both Calum and Tristan were gone, she could focus once again.

"Charlieee! One VBF." Luke called from the register intentionally drawing her name out in case she was going deaf that day. He slid her a tall cup with several marks on it telling her exactly how to make the not very complicated drink. "Caramel drizzle on top." He winked at her making sure she got the message across.

So Charlie did the normal thing and made the drink. And when she poured the thick liquid in the cup she finally looked up to the guy that was waiting for it. She almost dropped the whipped cream in her hand. "Calum?" She choked out not believing her own eyes. For all that anyone knew, Calum had either A: moved away because of his ruthlessness or B: died. But as she can tell neither of those were the case. They had an intense stare for a solid 5 seconds before Charlie realized she had orders to be filled. With a steady hand she drizzled the caramel perfectly on top and popped the lid on and handed it to him without a second thought.

Charlie didn't want to meet Calum's eyes again. He clearly was not the same Calum that had abandoned her few months back. He was less tan and looked almost like a ghost. His cheeks were sunk in and there were deep purple bags under his eyes. His hair was messy and was underneath of a beanie. For the most part,he looked absolutely awful. She didn't want him to get off without saying one word to her when she had plenty for him. Charlie used that as her five minute break and followed him out of the crowded coffee shop. "Calum." She rushed to catch up to him and he stopped promptly before turning around and looking at her with the same hate bouncing off wildly in his eyes.

"What do you want Charlie?"

"I think the real question is 'What the actual hell' Calum?"

"Excuse me?" He furrowed his eyebrows trying his hardest to miss the big picture that was painted perfectly.

"I mean you completely dissing me at the party and then not bothering to be a part of the human race for 2 months only because you're pissed off at me."

"It was only 2 months. People come. People go and this is my attempt of going." Calum started walking away from Charlie but she dug her nails into his arm making him cringe. "Is there something that you want?"

"Yeah there is something that I want. I want at least one thing as to why you left me without a word." Charlie crossed her arms over her chest.

"I didn't have much to say to you." Calum shrugged playing it off knowing that it was complete and utter bullshit. He turned his back on Charlie not wanting to look at the beautiful girl that he was insanely in love with. He couldn't stand to see the anger that was brewing inside of her. He knew any minute that either she or he would burst and he hoped that she would snap instead of him. The anger that Calum felt was indescribable. If anything were to happen if he snapped, she would get hurt. Badly. He wouldn't be able to control himself.

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