10: olive oil in the kitchen

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Charlie found herself knocking on Phoenix's door the next day and tried waiting patiently. "Hey Char. What's up." He let her in his house.

"I'll tell you what's up. I went to Calum's house yesterday-"

"Woah hold on. You lost your virginity."

"No. Anyway it was because we needed to talk so we talked."

"About sex."

"About random things."

"And that lead to sex."

"No that lead to more talking and then I didn't get home until like 11:45."

"Because you had sex."

"No. Because we lost track of time and my mom went apeshit. Now apparently I'm not allowed to see him anymore and I'm also grounded for the rest of the month. Like that's so unfair because I didn't do anything wrong."

"You had sex Charlie."

"No I didn't we were talking because he fell off the face of the earth."

"He fell off because you two had sex earlier."

"Oh my God Phoenix." Charlie was getting tired of his obsession with sex. Surprisingly he hadn't needed therapy though Charlie disagrees. "I need you to listen very carefully." She rested her hands on his shoulders and stared deep into his eyes trying to get the message across. "Me and Calum didn't have sex at all. We didn't do anything we weren't supposed to. I am still as virgin as the olive oil in your kitchen." She nodded her head and he nodded his head back.

"Why are you mad? You told your bitch mom that you didn't do anything wrong. What's her deal."

"I dunno. She's just a miserable woman. She still gets mad at me because apparently if you use tampons you lose your virginity. But that's not the case."

"Yeah but when girls lose their virginity they bleed. And tampons catch blood."

"Of course there's gonna be blood. You use a tampon when you're on you period. You bleed for 5+ days constantly so of course there would be blood." Charlie shook her head frustrated.

"Lemme get this straight. She's a miserable, boobless woman that has Ebola and that's why she's a bitch."

Charlie rolled her eyes. "In a nutshell. I just don't know what her problem is. Like I can hang out with all of his other friends because Ash and I are cool but then when Calum comes into the mix it's like the end of the world." Charlie ran a hand through her hair still frustrated. "Phoenix what's today?"

"Uh, Friday. I'm going out but you don't have to go this time. It's at Ash's house I think. And your mom will explode if you're there because with Ashton you get Calum."

"I'm grounded I can't leave."

"But you don't listen to your mom." Phoenix rose his eyebrows. "And remember what comes with your groundings?"

"I can't drive anywhere and no dates."

"So technically it isn't going against the rules. As long as you stay as virgin as the olive oil in my kitchen." Phoenix pointed at her and poked her in the chest twice.

Just then Charlie's phone rang and the caller ID read Calum Hoodlum🌸 again. She picked it up and excused herself from Phoenix's house. "Hello?"

"Date. Me. You. Tonight. 6:32 sharp. Don't be late. Dress nice. Symphony."


"I love you Charlie Brown." He drew her name out slightly before hanging up.
Charlie stood in front of her mirror mentally changing outfits after outfits. She wasn't sure what to expect of tonight. Her eyes lazily dragged up and down pointing out every flaw that she could find. A little snug in the hips. Less tan on the inside if her arms than the outside. A microscopic nick on her leg. One head hair out of place and uncurled. Overall she looked stunning but she wouldn't believe it. She sighed and pulled long gloves up her arms to hide her scars. On her was a beautifully curve hugging hi-lo dress. It was navy blue and embellished with jewels. Her heels were a pearly white and higher than what she would normally be comfortable with wearing. Her gloves were white too, not a speck of dinginess on them. Charlie smoothed her skirt out and twisted and turned in the mirror mentally tearing herself apart.

Meanwhile Calum had been being stared down like a dangerous insect. Charlie's father was trying to make small talk with him but her mom was absolutely quiet. "Charlotte get down here please." Those were the first words she said all night.

Calum looked to the staircase seeing Charlie come down. She looked absolutely beautiful. "Yes mom?" Her and Calum exchanged glances and a little head nod.

"Where are you going tonight?" Her mom crossed her arms over her chest and plastered on a sly smile.

"I'm going out with Calum Hood."

"When you get back here you better be as virgin as the olive oil in our kitchen." Charlie could feel the red creeping up her neck and plastering itself on her face. "Oh and you." Charlie's mom turned to Calum speaking to him with polite disgust. "Don't have her out too late. Don't get carried away with my daughter."

"Yes ma'am." Calum nodded and tried to meet eyes with Charlie, but hers were locked with her moms.

"Charlotte will meet you outside in a few minutes." Her mom practically shoved him out the door and closed it leaving a slight crack. Calum didn't want to be nosy and waited by his door.

"Charlotte I thought I had already told you that you are forbidden to see him and now you expect me to let you do god knows what."

"Yes mom I know." Charlie rolled her eyes.

"So you're just going to go against my expectations." She crossed her arms.

"I guess that's what's happening. I mean, besides you not letting me actually try and get back out there. You let me go to that party with Phoenix anyway. You begged me. I went. And I met Calum. And now just because of his history or reputation I'm not allowed to see him. But that ends tonight."

"Charlotte what are you saying?"

"Mother. What I'm saying is that I don't really care what you say about him. I want to live life and be happy again. He makes me happy. It's my life and I have choices. I'll be 18 in a few months the least you can do is get used to me being a legal adult."

"Oh. So now you're a legal adult."

"No. Now I'm leaving to have a nice time with Calum Hood. Which by the way isn't what you say he is." Charlie let herself out finally getting away from her mothers drama and overprotectiveness.

"How virgin is the olive oil in you kitchen?" Calum's hands sunk deep in his pockets.


So this happens to be the first authors note I've written for this fanfic. So um what's up guys. I'm Telly and I really hope you like this. I love all you beautiful freaks. Okay bye.

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