Chapter 13 - Looks like were walking

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Hi guys this chapter is full of epic action and will be absoloutly amazing it will blow your socks off the gang are in trouble in this chapter as they struggle to survive in the woods and have to all keep watch at night time so read at your pleasure and enjoy this chapter I will leave another authors note at the bottom.

Previously on The Undead legacy..........

JADE! Get in the car!!!. Melissa take the wheel melissa takes the wheel and jump out the car and run up to jade I pull her up and run back to the car we can feel the zombies breaths on the back of our necks and I dive into the back of the car and it spins off .


We get back into the car after our break and we set off again Luke is sitting next to Caitlin on the journey in the car Jade is in the back along with my sister Emma,ieuan is next to emma on the journey he has been very quiet later but this guys awsome I mean he is a great asset to the group."Yo Jason" Ieuan says "Yeah" I reply "were are we heading" he says. "I think were heading up to.wallsall and then were gonna find a safe place to live for awhile I think where closng in on the island pretty quickly at the minute". "HOLD ON" melissa screams. SCREEEEECH BANG! CRASH! My vision goes black......

I wake up to the smell of fire a sharp pain shoots up through my left thigh I turn and look at it expecting it to be from the crash and as I look at it its as if my heartbeat stops I I it can't be I'm I'm I'm bit I think to myself their is a massive bite mark on my leg I quickly cover it up so that nobody can see it and I stagger to my feet not knowing when I'll change ieuan walks over to me and helps me up."You ok bro" he says to me and glances down at my leg ouch looks like you had a bit of a tumble you want maddie to stitch it up for you" he asks me and I shake my head signaling that I'm fine when I know I'm not but what could have bit me and why would it just bite me I think. "S*** the cars F***** what we gonna do now" ieuan asks and I reply "we walk and find another car that's our best bet at the minute and when night falls we will rest while one of us keeps guard" I say everbody agrees and we imediately begin walking and at about half an hour in I feel all fuzzy and I'm so so hungry I look to my left and see food it smells so nice must eat so hungry so so s- NO I musnt their my freinds I think ieuan grabs my shoulder and helps me and what if I just took a nice big juicy piece of tender flesh just one bite.... Yes one bite wouldn't hurt anybod- NO ARGGGHH so many F****** voices in my F****** head somebody just help me I drop onto the ground and a piece of my trousers tear away rvealing the bite. "JASON NO!" Emma screams and runs over to me. " Emma I'm fine I won't I won't change" I knew I was wrong

Matt walks over to me and points his gun at my temple and goes to pull the trigger. BANG! Matt drops dead ieuan has just saved my life but killed matt. "Luke keep him under survailance if he changes kill him and if he doesn't then he is immune and everybody must protect him at all costs. A few days go by stranded in the woods and I still haven't changed what if I was immune to the virus what if I was the cure?............................

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so how is that guys jason is bit will he turn in the next three days or will he be immune to the whole virus anything could happen the whole story could change and I could be writing in someone elses point of few Jason could die it is certainly a possibility do you want jason to live or do you want the series to go in a different direction but with someone else this is all based on you guys descisions but don't forget to vote,comment ,read and comment your thoughts in which way the series could go how was it slenderhunter123 enjoy it? Untill next time chow ;)

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