Chapter 10 - New members

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After that incident with those raiders we were always on edge moving from place to place and staying low being careful not to be spotted by potential raiders but that didn't last very long it was a bright day and we had just arrived in watford hoping to get to the english coast to sail to that island we were just about to enter and our new home when a girl walked up to us and she smiled and said hey. I replied saing hi but I was suprised she was still alive and I asked her name. It was Caitlin. I introduced her to the group and everybody imediately liked her she was very pretty and a valuble asset to the group she has a really good shot and can take out a zombie from over a mile away.WOW! She is a total badass maybye just like me. I smirked to myself as I sat down at the table in our part time home melissa was holding my hand when we sat down.


Maddies P.O.V

"Hey jake" I shouted as we walked down the street looking for safety we needed a new home now as we were running out of daylight we had about a few hours left. "Yeah" he replied .

"We really need to find a place to stay like now because nights gonna come pretty soon and I don't wanna be chowed down on by those.....those...... Thingd" I say shaking with nerves "hey maddie, jake look there's a grocery shop up there its called sparr maybye we can camp there for a few days" Luke says excitedly. Jake nods and we quickly head over there and luke just walks in without any care and bumps into a girl about average size with wavy hair and she's fairly good looking. "Hey my names Caitlin" she says. "Luke" luke replies. "So what brings you here luke?" Caitlin says." Well we was hoping to find some shelter" luke says you could tell these two were gonna be awsome freinds. "Yeah sure come in we could use a hand as we have a few injured people from the last town because some people tried to raid us and ne of our members died and one had a severe wound his names ieuan does any one of you have any medical training?" Caitlin says and I instantly rteplied "yeah I have some can we come in" I ask she nods and she let's us inside of the grocery store.

So what did you think its a mix between The Zombie Apocalypse and The Undead legacy me and slenderhunter123 have been writing this and were going to make this book absolutely amazing so slender hunter what did you think ;D

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