Chapter 3 - The Farm

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I follow him down the corridor in pitch blackness as all the windows and doors are all boarded up to stop the walking dead from getting inside matt leads me to a room and shows me in and emma is in there unpacking her stuff "hey I figured we should stay here awhile I mean its safe and I don't think there's many other options. "Yeah" I reply. "I see you have met matt oh and there's three others ieuan,james and tamsin you should go meet them" emma tells me and with that I walk out the door and see matt standing there with an impatient look on his face."Yall ready to be showed to your room its getting late and supper will be ready soon and as you know its the zombie apocalypse and we need to be asleep before dark so we don't have any uninvited guests strolling through our home ok?" Matt tells me eagerley as if trying to put a point across. "Yeah I guess " I say and with that we arrived at my room luckily its only a few doors down from emma's but its also near the door making it more likely for me to be the first eaten if zombies get in oh well how bad could it be?. As the day draws near I start to feel sleepy but I have to meet the other survivors I step into the dining hall to be met with three strange faces "hi I'm james this is tamsin and this is ieuan" james stated and in unison tamsin and ieuan say hi and with that done I head to my room and unpack taking my essentials out incase we get attacked in the night which included my revolver , food,water,car keys and phone after placing these at the side of me i get up and walk downstairs and grab a bottle of water that matt had handed me i then walk into the livingroom exhausted at todays events i sit down and imediately strike up a conversation with ieuan and james and i asked them how they ended up here with matt and us this is ieuans story.

ieuans p.o.v

i woke up in an empty room and it smelled like fresh meat it was rank i threw on some clothes and carefully made my way downstairs and walked into the kitchen and there was a pool of blood on the floor why the hell was there a pool of blood on the floor then i remembered last night the news telling me that there was a new virus and everybody had started packing to leave the city butit was quarantined under observational military groups who were over run not long ago allowing who was left alive to get out the city.i hear a crunching noise in the living room and i picked up a carving knife and opened the door three infected were crouched over my mums body they looked at me and ran at me i swung my knife at the first one decapitating its from its ody i impaled the other with my knife before pulling it out and then i took a last swing at the third and final infected person and it dropped dead where it stood i quickly ran outside and hopped in my car and made my way here to the farm and i met james and melissa on the way through gas stations and they tagged along and then finaly i got to the farm and we met matt and he took us in.

my p.o.v

so after hearing ieuans story i decided to go and get to sleep i walk upstairs and open my bedroom door and as i went in i took out some food and sat on the edge of the bed and in moments i fell into a deep slumber.

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