Chapter 19 - Hi Reegan!

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Hi guys how are you please share and read my book I would very appreciate it I look to inspire other people to write books and to do the best job they can,in this chapter a new gang member is found.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After the attack Luke and Caitlin were sent out to get supplies because they work very well and emma wanted to rest because that attack on us really shocked me and her. I decided to go hunting the next day and I took luke with me he was a very good companion to have along he always gets the job done. I took a rifle from the shelf in the mansion and luke took the revolver and a sniper,and with that we walked out of the room and stepped dowstairs and opened the door, we set out from the mansion heading into the woods and we took positions behind a tree. A figure stepped out from nowhere and we observed its movements this figure it was human. "Hey!" Luke shouted it quickly turned and started to head into our direction. "Don't shoot my names reegan and I have not been bit my group were wiped out by zombies, I was the only one to survive" he said with a sad look on his face.I nod and we continue with what we were doing in the first place taking out some zombies. I spot a pack and think to myself we can easily take them out there's about 100. "Hey reegan I'm just gonna take out them zombies over there" I say smirking. "What! Are you mad there's about 100" he says and I walk up to the pack brandishing my desert eagles clipped on to the edge of my trousers and I twirl them in my hands and begin shooting and the zombies start snarling and they sprint in my direction. About half an hour later the pack was demolished I had took them out easily and luke and reegan just stood there and watched me, it was no suprise for luke he had seen me do this type of thing, but for reegan was gobsmacked at what I had just done. " I am definately coming with you lot if you can take out 100 zombies in half an hour" he said and I replied we need to get going because the noise will attract all of the zombies in the area, so we grabbed everything we had came for and we had set off back towards the mansion. " Where are we going? " Reegan asked. I told him home and he nodded. After about 10 minutes later we came up to the big gate and I waved at emma who quickly opened the gate and let us in. " Who's this she asked. " This is reegan we had found him in the woods his group got overun by the infected" I reply to her. "Oh right ok, I think we could use a few extra hands around the mansion I mean some of our group died before we reached this island we came all the way to nottingham" she says and reegan looks suprised at how far we have come and that we have survived for this long on the way here and with the conversation coming to a close I show reegan to his room and he walks in and closes the door , it was very dark now and I decided to get some grub and I walked into the kitchen and I am quickly met by jake and maddie they had served up some tinned sausages cooked on a fire mmm I haven't had some meat for as long as I can remember,I quickly sit down and wolf it down reegan joins the table after unpacking. We eat in silence untill we are done and we get up and leave the table. The day is finally at its end.


How was the chapter guys and what are you first impressions of reegan don't forget to vote and comment. The next chapter will be the second to last as the group are in instant danger as a even bigger threat then raiders hits them. The whole islands zombie population so get ready as the next chapter is gonna get super intense its gonna be epic , sad and emotions fly high as we enter the epic two part finale :)

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