twelve ◇ mature

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Dedicated to bluestpink because she's stayed with this story right from the very beginning and her lovely comments never fail to make me smile. You're amazing, Blue!

"Dear God,

Maybe I should've never taken that credit after all.

"Those three, my friends, are...well, no longer my friends.

"How could you be so selfish?
One day we were talking, the next day we were not!
Whatever did you tell them to make me so uninteresting for them?
Everything twisted around after the carnival I told them I didn't want to attend.
The next day at school, they were suddenly in a huddle, discussing things amongst each other as though I didn't exist at all.
I asked them what the matter was and they wouldn't tell me.

"The only thing I knew was that some boy had been stalking them.

"I knew it was serious, but they wouldn't tell me a thing. Friends tell each other everything, right? They didn't leave one out and carry on without a word.
So when I had enough of it, I asked Abbie why.
God, I wish I had stayed at home that day.

"Her reply. There wasn't anything friendly about it.

"'You aren't mature enough. You just won't understand,' she said."


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