twenty seven ◇ trigger

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"Dear God, 

"When Miss Carrie called me out for being the only one who didn't sign up for talent day, I didn't understand why I grew so furious. 

"I sat in my corner of the classroom, willing my mind to stay focused and not end up glazing my eyes because that's how angry I'd gotten.
But I couldn't help myself. 

"I didn't understand how making my own decisions could upset someone so much. After all, it was me who had to get on that stage and perform. And if I made a fool out of myself, would Miss Carrie come around to clean up the pieces of my shattered dignity for me?

"Of course she wouldn't!

"That's when I realized.

"All anybody knew was to push others into getting things done their way. They didn't care about the consequences nor the other person's interests. If this person succeeded in whatever endeavour they'd been given, the person who forced them into it would get a dozen pats on their back.

"Boy, it was a selfish world we lived in.

"'After all', they'd say, 'Miss Carrie was only trying to help you grow out of that shell.'



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