eighteen ◇ the summer's here

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"Dear God,

"I know how I used to complain about the weather every single day. You should've brought around summer earlier.

"I've had enough of the cold and snow.

"Isn't it funny though, God? How I would practically do anything to have the snow come around when I was little? The time for fuzzy jackets and adorable mittens, snow fights with Drew, building a snowman and making snow fairies in the chilly winter.

"Snow used to make me happy. When I think of it now, it was the only thing that let me forget the fact that I had no friends.

"But now my hands get too cold even when I wear a bazillion mittens and scarves; almost like a winter mummy! My skin is always dry and I hate the scratches my nails leave on my hands. I don't want these chattering teeth and dry, chapped lips.

"I don't like the snow anymore.

"God, but you get it.

"Anyhow, I'm so glad you brought the summer here now. Finally. Mom said you were playing around. School's closing and I'm so excited.

"No more school.
There's all the time in the world.

"But there always has to be something to spoil it, right?

Drew's leaving for college in a month. One month. You probably already know. I'll miss him, God. I really will. Even though he's always been rude more than nice.

"I still remember playing the meeting game he made up when we were younger. Drew and I would stand on opposie ends of our hall and on a count of three  run towards each other like the wind was beating behind us and yell, 'I love you!' as we hugged. He'd said it was a good thing to let family know they were loved.

"Even though we don't talk all that much any more, it still doesn't change the fact that I love him.

"From now on, I'll be the only child in our house. It makes me feel lonely when I think of it. I mean, I do have my mom and dad...but, you know? It's the type of alone that makes me feel a teensy bit hollow inside.

"I'll miss Andrew, God. All the way to the moon, was it? Then back.

But then,
I have you.


Longest chapter for DG yet. Wow. And damn, we've already reached chapter 18? Oh hold up, I forget. This story is short. XD

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