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Two years later.

"Dear God, 

"Crashing timber. 
Falling flames.
Dangerous cries.

"Perhaps I had one too many coffees today. But I hadn't had a single cup and besides, I've always hated coffee.

"Perhaps I took a late night shower today. But I had already gotten into bed by six.

"Perhaps I had an upset stomach. But I didn't have the faintest memory of it and it was unlikely of me to forget. 

"I have a million different guesses to what could've happened today. But that's just what they are. Guesses.

"I was still fast asleep when right out of my sleep, I got up. I hadn't had a nightmare, or I would've known. My heart wasn't beating fast. I didn't have sweat rolling down my forehead. Nothing, absolutely nothing.

"Just a simple shot out of bed.

"Somehow, something told me to get out of my house.



"Without wasting a single moment.

"The house I'd been living with my parents all my life.

"I didn't know what it was. A completely ridiculous thought that had just sprung into my mind right out of the blue, in the middle of the night that too.

"I didn't even know how to explain it, God. I've been trying and ultimately failing these past fifteen minutes everyone's been asking me the same thing.

"I just don't know how it came to me. 

"You know that feeling when you stir awake at just the right time even when your alarm was set off for the day?

"It was something like that. As though the heavens had planned to wake me up at just the right second.

"But I found myself listening any way.

"I threw out my covers, sleepy and dazed, rushing over to my parents' room, shaking them awake. They'd thought I'd gone absolutely and utterly crazy. I pulled them right out of their beds, ignoring their groans and complaints. Then with the both of them behind me, I grabbed my brother and ushered all three of them right down the stairs and out of the house.

"Then almost two disturbingly slow minutes later, our entire house blew up into flames.

"Breathing its last day after twenty five years. Dying in the faint lit glory of the night.

"God, we would've died too. 

"I want to laugh because everything that's happened to me is always some sort of dramatic.

"But then, the reason I'm telling you all this now that we're having this feud?

"God, oh dear, sweet God.

"I think I may have finally found my answer."


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