twenty five ◇ thrash me

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"Dear God,

"Mom hit me.

"It isn't the first time and I shouldn't be upset. I get it from time to time. The scratches and the blood stains on my favorite pajama. 

"But today, I cried so much in the washroom, my entire body shook beyond control. It must've been the absolute venom in her eyes.

"She looked like she wanted to kill me, God.

"That lovely mom of mine who taught me about such beautiful things as you. 

"She's breaking down, I know. Drew should've been at university, just like the rest of his mates from high school. She can't bear to see him so disheveled, slumped on the couch doing nothing all morning and night when he should've been studying to make a life for himself.  

"She tells me I'm old enough to understand and I do understand! But I can't listen to her all the time, now can I?

"It was a mistake. I shouldn't have yelled back, I shouldn't have told her to get away. I shouldn't have, I shouldn't have, I...

"But how long can I stay quiet? Every time she yells at me, be it for leaving my room messy or failing in a Math quiz, I stay quiet, listening, holding back my tears. I don't mean to do these things, but they just happen. 

"I don't want to be the one to fulfill all of her wishes because I know I'll only fail. 

"I'm not you! I'm not God!

"Some times, all I really want is for her to get me. That's all I want.

"But then she hit me, and now I don't know.

"I can't even look at her any more."


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