thirty ◇ at bay

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"Dear God,

"Today I woke up just the same. Hair all over the place, eyes droopy and bloodshot, skin as dry as the desert. 

"Today I woke up just the same, but my heart was at bay. Far far away.

"And I was supposed to speak to you. The first person I spoke to every morning for the past sixteen years of my life. 

"But I simply couldn't. It hurt. Hurt more than I had imagined. I'd never thought this would happen so quick, and when it did, I couldn't do a thing to stop it. 

"So it hurt. Hurt more than you could imagine. 

"Please forgive me, God. I'm so, so, so sorry.

"Because today I gave up.

"Today I woke up and just gave up on you."


#98 in short story? WHAAAT?!

thank you so very much, (and several google translations later) gracias and merci too! ya'll are the nicest people i knooow!

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