twenty nine ◇ just me

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"Dear God,

"I thought back to everything that happened this past week, and somewhere, somehow, I realized something that I should've long ago. 

"I realized that people would never get me after all. 

"I know it was stupid of me to not realize this earlier. If anything, it would've saved me all the trouble I'd gone through trying to make others like and accept me for who I am.

"How people think I'm crying when I'm only angry and my eyes give out without my consent.

"How people think I'm upset when I'm only lost in my mind.

"How people loose count of the number of times I've told them to leave me alone when I have to and need to be left alone.

"How people judge me for being too reluctant to take part in a silly show.

"How people think that they know me.

"God, I've come to realize.

"People won't know if I'm sick.

"If I'm tired.

"If I'm afraid.  

"If I feel alone.

"Unless I tell them, they would never know. 

"Because the only person who knows me better than anybody else in this entire universe is not my mother, not my father, why, not even you, God!

"It is me."



WHAT in the world, you guys! I've been seeing the endless votes I've been receiving for this story for a couple of days now, and that frankly warms my heart. I'm so, so thankful to each and every one of you who took your time to read this story. Your support means a lot to me.

And most of all, it's really inspiring to see how so many of you believe in God too. 

Thank you so much for reading. Your support is seriously appreciated!  

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