nineteen ◇ right back

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"Dear God,

"Drew left today.

"It was a gloomy day. I saw mom cry again, I cried, was silent throughout, but he hugged Drew the longest.

"Drew's face after all the hugs and kisses and crying...oh my God, I laughed until I began tearing up all over again. He always knows how to make me smile.

"Oh God, for that one little moment, I forgot all about how I'd miss him when he'd be gone.

"It's crazy because I can't put it into words. Maybe I'm running out of words in my vocabulary, Drew would say. The house doesn't feel right without him in it and I'm upset even though I shouldn't be. I feel that same hollow even though I shouldn't.

"And I know it sounds selfish, but I want him to come back. Right back to us. 

"I just...miss him, God.

"More than I ever thought possible."


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