twenty eight ◇ let it slide

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"Dear God,

"Our finals are done and Math was the last exam.

"Everything was perfectly fine this morning until I got to school. The only thing on my mind was passing on the test. My friends and I discussed some questions, laughed at some jokes; it was all fine. Then Megan looked at me and said, 'You're always so cool about tests. Don't lie to me because I know you've prepared well. I don't understand why you can't just admit that.' 

"I didn't know what to say. If anybody had to know the truth, it had to be Megan. We were in the same Math classes for years and she'd known how consistent I was when it came to failing my tests. 

"It was incredulous how out of the blue her comment had been, and for a moment, all of us were stupefied, wondering if it was meant to be just another joke. But then I realized that she wasn't smiling and there wasn't a single trace of humour on her face. If anything, she looked accusing.

"Of course I wasn't cool about this exam. I was freaking out inside, but I'd never been one to show it to others. That was all.   

"But I knew she wouldn't understand. So in spite of the awkward silence, I let it slide by in a flurry of other jokes."


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