thirty five ◇ for you

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"Dear God, 

"Today I realized I had something to tell anyone who asked me why. 

"Here's what it is.

"Sometimes you just need someone to talk to.
Someone who won't judge, who won't care about your status, your beliefs, or the colour of your skin.
Someone who just lends a ear.
Someone you can't see, but know they're there.
And if you're like me, this someone would be God."



Now if this was a movie, this would be the time the end credits start to roll. On Wattpad, though, I've always found it difficult to announce the end. But it's gotta come when it's gotta come, right? So then, that's it, you guys! Thank you so much for reading! I really hope you enjoyed this story (trust me, I would've never completed DG without you guys. Motivation can do things, I see!)

A little something extra I want to add for anyone who has been wondering what is up with the blurb and how it fits into the story. I feel like we always end up seeing bloodshed and wars over religion all in the name of God. But all the while, people don't realize that they aren't acknowledging the sheer power within each and everyone of us and using that instead to kill peace. It doesn't matter what religion you follow as long as you don't forget the very essence of God. It baffles me how a subject of such wonder and poignancy ever makes people want to do horrible things.

The blurb was a metaphor for choosing the real idea of God over what the minority of the world believes.

Because when I think of God, I see tufts of clouds, rainbows and a single ray of brightening light enough to make the grumpiest of people smile.

Thanks once again for getting through this entire story. Hoping to see you on a different journey, 

Much love, 

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