Chapter 3: I Ran Into A Door

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There I was, back at the club. I was on the dance floor, except this time, it was dead silent and it was dead empty. It felt like it was abandoned. No one was around there was no music playing. The lights of the floor were no longer flashing lights. The bar was abandoned as well. No employees were anywhere. The female bartender, the bouncer and not even the DJ was there. Suddenly, as I faced the DJ booth, I felt a presence behind me. I slowly turned around. It was Alexander. “What the hell are you doing here?” I asked, backing up slowly. He countered every step I took back, with him stepping forward, into my exact foot placement. All he did was stare, he didn’t say any words. “Stay back!” I screamed. “I could have police on their way in seconds!” I threatened, shoving my right hand into my right front pocket. I desperately searched for my phone, but there was nothing. Suddenly, he reached into his black trench coat, pulling out something bulky. A cell phone remained in his hand. “Looking for something?” He asked, smiling evilly. I broke into a sudden scream, and he burst into a pounce at me. “Shut up you pathetic looking worm!” The monster demanded, shoving his hand over my mouth. I could re-taste the sweat on his hand. He threw me against a wall, making me hid my head straight on. I fell to the ground, woozily. He crawled on top of me, already sweating. With all my might, I burst into another scream.

I shot straight up, my whole body in a cold sweat, my voice releasing with a horrible bloody scream. Liz shot straight out of her body, running towards the light fixture and turned it on, seeing me in my physical state. I sat there shaking from head to toe. Freddy and Delilah ran in the bedroom, slamming the door open, hitting Liz in the face. “Ouch!” She screeched. “Sorry Sweetheart,” Freddy apologized. Delilah and Freddy came and knelt down next to me as did Liz. “What’s wrong?” Liz asked concernedly. I looked at Delilah with fear still in my eyes. She slid the hair out of my face and looked at me apologetic. “What’s wrong?” She asked soothingly. All I wanted was to tell them, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t tell them, or it would lead us to get into trouble. What would they do if I told them the truth? I started to say it was only a nightmare, but Freddy got my stare. He looked at me as if I were his daughter. He looked at me as if I were a dying loved one, that he couldn’t help me, while I suffered through pain. I wanted to tell them everything right then and there. To have everything all done and over with. I didn’t want to remember. I sighed heavily, wrapping my arms around Delilah’s neck for a hug. I couldn’t let go in the end. Tears strolled down my face, soaking the arm of her nightshirt that I couldn’t tell what exactly it was; I was too focused on my dream and thoughts. “Go back to sleep,” She shushed me softly. I closed my eyes painfully, not wanting her to go. But it was too late. She had left the room, and so had Freddy. The light was off. “Sweet Dreams,” I heard Liz say calmly. “You too,” I answered the darkness. I turned and rolled. I tried sleeping on my stomach and tried sleeping on my sides and back. Nothing was working. I couldn’t get him out of my mind. The taste of him. The pain of him inside of me. Tears kept strolling down my face. My heart was breaking silently and I couldn’t tell a single soul. I was nervous and scared about what would happen to me if I told my real family about my fake family. What would my birth parents do to me if I told the Johnsons?

The next morning, when the sunlight began shining through the blinds of Liz’s window, next to the closet, I decided to creep over to Liz’s bed. I looked on the other side of a sleeping Liz, all covered up in her blankets, at her alarm clock to see how long it had been since I experienced something called sleep. It had been at least 4 hours that I had stayed up in thought. I decided it was time to show my face downstairs. I opened the soundless door and softly shut it, twisting the door knob all the way to the left, so when I shut it, it wouldn’t make the clinking noise. I walked down the noiseless stairs and went over to the couch. I quietly sat down. I stared at the flat screen with dullness. Suddenly, I heard a door open from upstairs and the next thing I knew, I was watching Delilah walk down the stairs. She stopped mid-stair when she noticed me sitting on the couch, staring at the flat screen. She walked over to me and sat to my left. She brought me into her arms. “What’s up Sweet Pea?” She asked, her voice still showing that she had a bad night. “If there was something that you’ve been dying to tell someone about, but you were scared of the outcome, would you still tell someone?” I asked her, my voice shaking. She looked at the flat screen thinking about it for a few minutes. “Well, than I don’t know. Is it something big?” She inquired. I nodded. “Something utterly huge, that could change the person’s whole life,” I replied. I looked at her, a single tear flowing down from the crease of my right eye. “What is it Sweet Pea?” She asked curious and sorrowfully. I couldn’t tell her even though I was in this position and had every chance to do so. “It’s nothing. It’s just a hypothetical question…” I lied.

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