Chapter 16: Depression Gets The Worse Of Us

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Jason rolled over and lifted his head. He looked around, noticing that Alex was nowhere to be found. “Alex?” He called out in his deep Scottish voice. No reply. He stood up and began looking around his house. He walked up the stairs and into his room. He looked at his alarm clock. It was three in the afternoon. How long have I been asleep? He walked downstairs and walked into his miniature kitchen. He opened up his refrigerator and rummaged through it for food. He pulled out a gallon of milk and grabbed a box of Cocoa Puffs off of the top of his fridge. He poured himself a bowl and poured milk into the bowl. He put back the items and grabbed the bowl. He walked back to the mattress and sat down. What the? He felt something weird under his butt. He moved over and looked at the pad of paper with Alex’s note that read, “Hey Baby. I’ve gone to my old house to take one last look and pack up. If you need me, call me on my new cell number, 1-254-384-3921.” He grinned. So that’s where she was. Then he had absolutely nothing to worry about. He looked around for the remote for the flat screen that and began to patiently eat his cereal. He quickly found the remote and ‘click’ turned it on. He began to watch a new episode of Ghost Hunters. He watched intensely as he thought about Alex. I wonder if I can help? He sighed. He quickly finished up his cereal and walked to the sink. He set it in the filled sink of dishes. He watched in disgust as a fly flew over all the dishes. It was about time he cleaned up his house.

He grabbed a pair of rubber gloves from under the sink. He moved some of the dishes that were in the sink, to the counter and turned on the hot water. He grabbed a new sponge from under the sink and grabbed the soap that sat on the sink. He dabbed a few dots of soap and drenched the sponge in water. He began to wash the dishes, one by one. After he was done, he took off the rubber gloves and set them back under the sink. He grabbed the dust pan that was sitting in the living-room near the flat screen and began sweeping all around. Every floor in his house was wooden. All walls were white and all ceilings were white as well. He quickly dusted and then grabbed a bucket full of soapy water. He wondered if one day, he might be cleaning his and Alex’s house. He grinned at the thought. As he finished up, he wondered if it’d be okay if he went over to see Alex. He decided he better stay and play video games for a little while first. Before he played Left For Dead 2, he plopped in a load of laundry. He quickly threw soap in with the clothes and ran to the living-room. He quickly and carefully placed Left For Dead 2 in the Xbox 360 and sat on the mattress.

He ended up playing for longer than expected. When he finally put up the game and looked at the clock, it was seven. Alex was more than likely done by now. He decided he was going to call just in case. “Sorry, but I wasn’t there to get your call. Leave a name and your number in case I don’t know it and I’ll get back to you,” Alex’s voicemail said. That’s odd, why isn’t she answering? Jason decided to go for the next best thing. He called Delilah’s house. “Hello?” He heard Delilah say into the phone. “Hey, it’s Jason. Has Alex come home yet?” He asked. “What? No, I thought she was with you. Why?” She asked curiously. That’s odd. “No reason, I was just wondering.” He hung up the phone quickly after that. He thought maybe she just couldn’t get to her phone in time. He called her up again. The same thing happened, he got her voicemail. He decided he would leave a message and wait ten minutes. If she hadn’t called him back by then, he would go over there and see. “Hey Alex, it’s me, Jason. I was just calling to check up and see how you were. I was wondering if I could come over and hang out for a little while. Call me soon. I love you,” He said, hanging up the phone. He lay down on the mattress and waited impatiently for her to call. Why wasn’t she calling back? Was she okay? Thoughts ran quickly in his mind. He loved her so much, it was insane. After her past, this was making him extremely nervous. He hoped he didn’t seem too pushy or over protective or something. He just had a bad feeling. He looked at his phone. It had been twenty minutes. That was it; he jumped up and raced for the door. He quickly locked up and began walking for her old house. He walked slowly, just in case people seemed suspicious, though he didn’t care. He just didn’t want to arrive up there, and her ask question, in case there was nothing wrong.

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