Chapter 11: The Nightmare From Below

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I sat in front of Jason at the Starbucks. Liz was now in custody and both Jason and I weren’t going to jail for my parents. I sipped upon a Cappuccino. I decided it was time to switch to a new drink. I stared at the love of my life. He sipped upon his as well. I smiled softly, knowing that it was great to see him again after… Well. I stood up and walked over to the cashier and handed her a five dollar tip. I smiled softly at her and looked back at Jason. I had gone to his house and had taken a shower, finally. I had Delilah go into my house and get me extra clothes because I wasn’t ready to go back home. I motioned for him to follow me as I walked out the door. He had been watching me, so I hadn’t just been motioning to the air. He quickly jumped out of his seat and followed me, grabbing my hand in his softly. I looked to my right at him and smiled. “I have a surprise for you,” He said softly, kissing my cheek. I paused, “I hate surprises.” I use to like surprised but ever since my life decide to fall completely off the cliff, instead of just holding on with all strength on hinges, I despised them. I trusted him, though it was never late to become absolutely careful. He led me to my hideout.

I stared at him confusedly. He smiled back. “Why are we here?” I asked. “I found out that this is where you were when you called me,” He admitted shyly. “How’d you find out?” I asked curiously. “I have connections to phone listeners. Or at least, phone location finders,” He told me. “But that’s not the surprise,” He said, leading me inside. Everything was still as it was. I walked to the loose headboard and when Jason wasn’t looking, I lifted it up to see if the journal was still in place. It was, and I smiled. I quickly placed the floorboard back and turned around to look at him. He had a radio, with CD’s stacked next to it. He showed me the cover of a Secondhand Serenade CD. “This one?” He asked me. Both of my eyebrows rose, wondering what he had planned. “Sure,” I nodded. He quickly took it out of the case and carefully stuck it in the CD player of the radio. The music came on and he offered his hand. I giggled. I took a step closer to him and placed both of my arms above at his neck. I intertwined my fingers behind his neck and he placed his hands upon my waist. We slowly began to rock to the music. “I missed you so unbelievably much,” He told me, as he stared into my eyes. His green and brown eyes sparkled as he I stared into his. I grinned, “I missed you too Sweetheart.” He looked at me and slowly leaned in, pressing his lips against mine. My heart burst of fireworks and sparks. I kissed him back deeply and passionately. I felt warm and completely safe. But of course, all emotions had to hit me right then and there. Everything decided to finally hit me all speed, ruining this perfect moment.

I felt to my knees, my hands dropped with me, loosely falling from out behind his neck. Tears strolled down my face pathetically as I cried. He knelt down worriedly and looked at me. “Are you okay?” He asked, grabbing me into his arms. He sat down and leaned against a wall, pulling me into his lap. I wiped away my tears. “I’m so sorry for ruining the moment. Just, everything decided to hit me right then and there, everything from Alexander the guy that raped me to my parents to killing them to Liz and kidnapping them. I just, oh my god,” I hid behind my hands. I felt like I was pathetically acting out a scene in a movie and I felt horrible that I was doing a bad job. He didn’t say anything. All he did was hold me tightly in silence. I could tell he didn’t know what to do, because he didn’t understand what I was going through. “Everything’s going to be okay,” He just told me. “I know,” I said. I looked at him, my face stained in tears once again. I giggled. I kissed him softly, surprising him, but he kissed back, holding me closer. I smiled happily, “Thank you.”

It was time I went back to school. Jason had already begun going to school by the time I was back. I ended up staying at the cottage and he had stayed with me. He held me all through the night and woke up early to go get us clothes. He got back just in time for us to change and leave for school. It felt amazing having him be able to walk me to my classes and watch all the jealous girls be stuck up because they wanted him but they weren’t going to get him. But every time I was left alone, a crowd would surround me and swarm me with questions. The cloud of questions was so big, that you could grab a knife and cut it and it would quickly fill the hole again. I didn’t answer a single one of the question. I would just shove through the crowd. But at lunch, it was the worst.

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