Chapter 13: Adventures Of Being Crazy

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Sadly, a few days later I had to be taken out of my clothes and put in patient scrubs. I was now living in the loony bin, no visitation rights. I had a daily visit with Lisa, but I didn’t talk to her about anything that involved any of my feelings or anything else. The closest I had given her to feelings is of how I was enjoying the loony bin. I told her that it was fine and I was rather enjoying it. I had absolutely no friend there and I had to take a shower with about thirty other women in the room, which made me extremely uncomfortable, but none of them seemed to notice or even care. I sat in my bed at night, staring at the ceiling not having a care in the world. I wondered how long they were going to keep me locked up for not talking about how I was feeling or what had happened. I knew it was only happening because I had murdered my parents. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t be here. But I also wouldn’t have been able to send Liz to jail and be living in her room with my parents. I missed Jason every minutes of every day. I longed to see him and kiss him again. I knew I was feeling his way because I had gone over five months without him one. Now I would have to do it again. If we survived this, we could survive anything, right?

                “Why don’t you just talk to me about it?” Lisa pried. “Because!” I yelled at her, repeating the same thing I told her every time. “I just want to forget and move on with my life!” I cried. I walked out of her office, slamming the door, ending the meeting early with anger. Why couldn’t she just get it? I wasn’t going to talk to her about it. If I was going to talk it was going to be about anything but. I walked down the loony bin’s long hall to my bedroom. There was someone lying in the extra bed that had recently been stashed in here. “Hey, who are you?” I asked, plopping down on my bed. On the bed that lay right in front of the door, was a girl that had several tattoos on her arms. She had brown hair that was cut into a pixie style and it was obvious that had been recently dyed purple. She looked around thirty-five years old. Her eyes wandered over to me as I asked her who she was. She had brown eyes. “I’m Colby, but people call me Coco,” She told me, with a soft English accent. She lay with her arms crossed underneath her head and her left knee bent upward as the other lay there on the bed. She watched the ceiling do nothing but be white. “Who are you?” She asked. I sat back against the wall next to my bed and stared at her, feeling a very good vibe. “I’m Alex Parker.” Her head twisted in a split second. It had been instantly obvious that she had heard the rumors. “They shoved you in here. Why?” She asked, sitting up, facing me with curiosity. I stared at the floor, and mimicked a man’s off voice, “Because I refused to share my feelings and what happened with my doctor,” I answered her question. I lay down on my stomach, shoving my arms under the pillow and rested my head on the pillow directly on my arms. She laughed, “Yeah, that’s pretty retarded.” I raised my eyebrows quickly in agreement.

                “What’s your story?” I asked Coco. “It’s a long one,” She warned. I looked at her and smirked, “As long as mine?” I snorted, knowing she’d know some of it. She didn’t smile. “I’ve got time,” I quickly nodded my head approvingly. “Alright. Well, I was raped by a police officer. When I finally got the guts to tell someone, it turned out she was his sister, which I had never known. She told him, which sent him into a rage. He found me and raped me again. When I tattled on him to his captain, to cover up their tracks, they threw me in here. The sucky thing is, I’ve had a track record of being in here, so no one believes me. They just think I’m crazy and threw me back in here, so here I am,” She answered and shrugged. “That’s the short version.” I laughed, “Nice.” She shrugged again. “I believe you,” I told her staring into her eyes with honesty. She nodded, “Thanks Alex. So, what’s your story? I’ve only heard rumors. I’d like to hear it first off,” She said. “Well…-“I was then interrupted by someone coming in and saying, “Lights out guys. Time for bed,” The nurse said. The nights shut off and the door shut. We laid there tomorrow. “If you remind me, I’ll tell you tomorrow,” I told her. “Alright,” She nodded in the dark. Shortly after, we both closed our eyes and drifted off to dream land.

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