Chapter 6: The Capture

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I finally decided to get out of my bed after hours of lying on my mattress. I decided to look around the house, to see if I was still alone. I thankfully was. I walked into the kitchen and prepared myself a bowl of cereal with the last of the gallon of milk. I threw away the empty gallon container and ate up my cereal. When I was done, I gently placed it in the sink and as I began walking back to my bedroom, I wondered what I was going to wear. I walked into my bedroom and rummaged through my dresser. I found a blue plain t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. I decided that’d be good. I quickly threw off my clothes and threw these on. I grabbed a pair of white socks and hopped around shoving them on my feet. Suddenly, I heard a faint knock at the door. I proceeded to walk to the door, wondering who it was.

I opened the door to see Liz standing there, looking awkwardly at the ground her back to me. She turned around, staring at me. She wore a purple tank top and a pair of black skinny jeans and her multi-colored converse. She bit her lip and glared at me. Then she softened up. She took a step forward and when I thought she was about to give me a hug, she lifted her right hand and slapped me as hard as possible across my left cheek. I stared at her in disbelief, my eyes full of sorrow for something I never did. “What was that for?” I asked standing there, my face a flame from the stinging of contact to my face from her hand. It hurt more in my heart then it did on my face. “That was for having sex with my cousin!” She yelled at my crucially. “You used him you pathetic piece of nothing! You aren’t anything! Everybody hates you for a damn good reason! It’s because you’re nothing. You abuse people so people stay away from you,” She paused out of lack of breath. “Why’d you lie to me? Why’d you use my cousin?” She demanded to know. Tears streamed down my face, “I didn’t use your cousin!” I yelled back confusedly. Where had that come from? Where had she heard that? Did he tell her that? He couldn’t of. It has been only three days. I mean, kissing is one thing, but having sex is another. I never had sex with him and I definitely wouldn’t use him. She stood there in disbelief. “You did too! Why are you lying to me? I thought you were my friend…” She shook her head and turned and walked away down the sidewalk. I quickly turned around and shoved shoes on my feet. I slammed the door behind her. I stared at the ground, “Okay, the truth is, that night, I was…” I looked up at my friend. She stood next to the back of a white Dodge Neon. The trunk was open. I looked at her confused. “What the?” She pointed behind me. I slowly turned around, and there stood a gigantic man, who looked like he could be a bodyguard for the leader of a mob. He wore a black shirt and black pants. He had epic muscles that looked like they came from only the movies. He quickly shoved something over my mouth and nose. He gently held tightly at the back of my head. I stared at him attempting at a scream, but it was too late. I knew instantly that the rag covering my mouth and nose was chloroformed. Everything almost instantly, began going black and the last thing I could see, was Liz’s face disappearing from view.

I woke up, shooting straight up, which was a mistake. I hit my head harshly against something that was containing me. I opened my eyes in shock. It was completely dark. I couldn’t see a thing. I quickly shot into my pocket, which my left one contained my cell phone. I opened it up making light let me see around to realize I was in a trunk of probably a car. I held my pounding head with my left hand as I held the cell phone in my right. It registered in my head I was holding a cell phone. I looked at it to see if I had connection. There was absolutely none. I wondered what was going on. The last thing I remembered seeing was Liz’s face and then nothing.

Suddenly, a force came over and it made topple over, hitting something that felt harshly cold and hard. It felt like metal. Light filled the trunk quickly. I put the left hand in front of my face, trying to cover out the light from my face. “What the hell?” I said aloud. “Ah, you’re awake,” I heard Liz’s voice harshly say. “Of course I’m awake,” I tried to sit up, but immediately the guy from earlier reached in and grabbed me by my wrists pulling me out of the trunk and throwing me on the pavement. The guy reached down and started pulling on my hair to make me stand up. “Ouch!” I quickly stood up. He began to pull it downward to make me sit down. I quickly fell downward and kicked him in the knee with all my might. He let go of my hair, leaving me just enough time to stand up and begin running. Liz quickly caught up to me and grabbed my arm, pulling me harshly back, falling to the ground. She quickly sat down on my chest. “What do you think you’re doing?” She said, punching me with all her might square in the nose. All I heard was a quick snap before I let out a scream of bloody-murder. My nose had broken. I laid there under her, my nose gushing. She then decided to repeatedly hit me square in the nose, probably around 30 more times. She didn’t stop; she then began slapping my face repeating. My face stung with utter pain, as blood continued to gush down my face and all over her hand and arm, and down on my clothes. Finally, she paused the beating. “You lied to me. Why?” I couldn’t answer; I was in so much pain. “Fine, don’t answer. But you. You’re going to pay for it. You think you can use my cousin and get away with it? You think you can lie to me and get away with it? Well you have another thing coming."

Liz stood up and I finally got a look at my surroundings. We were in a deserted area and what looked to be a prison or torture chamber. All that was surrounding the walls was dirt and cemented rocks. Liz took a deep breath and stared at me as she said the words that lead to my insanity, “Take her away.” My eyes went wide-eyed. I stared at the guy who had chloroformed me and pulled me out of the trunk. He quickly picked me up in his arms. He stared sorrowfully, like what he had already done to me and what he was going to do to me, he didn’t want to do. As he turned the corner, I began feeling really dizzy and light-headed. I held my head with one of my hands. “Where are you taking me?” I nervously asked him, completely out of it, my words slurring as if I were drunk. “Somewhere where no one will be able to find you,” He answered. Suddenly, I flew through the air, landing hard on my back and hitting my head on something hard. It was completely bright and I could barely see. Suddenly, the guy disappeared, shutting a door.

I began screaming at the top of my lungs, not noticing what my surroundings were now. I hoped with all my might that someone would hear me. But if anyone could, they didn’t come running. Finally, I stopped, my voice strained. I looked around. I felt extremely claustrophobic in this room. All around me was white walls. The ceiling and the floor was white too. I felt as if I had done something extremely wrong and was being contained in some sort of cell that criminals were thrown in if they were bad in jail, or people in a Mental hospital were thrown in if they were acting up as well. The only difference was, I was bleeding to death, and I wasn’t wearing the white tied up coat that they use to tie your hands up, so you can’t do damage to yourself while you’re in containment.

I thought about what got me into this whole mess. Alexander, that guy raped me and not just changed my life, but ruined it. I despised him more then I already did, but what I despised more was myself. Why did I still go to the club? I could’ve talked Liz into not going. And if I couldn’t have stopped her from going, I could’ve stayed at her house anyway, to hang out with Delilah or Freddy, or even both. I wondered about how they were and if they knew about anything that happened. If they did, I wondered if their image of me had changed. My thoughts then wandered to Jason. I wondered how he was and what he was doing. I then wondered where he was. My cell phone! I quickly threw my hands into my pockets, to discover there was no cell phone. I sighed heavily, my nose in utter pain. I knew I was going to have to correct my nose. When I was really young, like, 6, I broke my nose. The doctor I went to taught me how to replace my nose from its disconnection. It’s really painful, but I had to do it.

I placed my hands on both of the sides of my nose, as straight as I could make them go. I took the biggest deep breath; I’ve ever taken, since I was six. I quickly moved my hands the way I needed to and you could hear my nose click. I screamed in sharp agony. My voice faded off and I sat up against the wall, wondering how long I was going to be stuck in this weird place. I wondered why Liz didn’t bother to listen to me and I wondered what my life would be like after I got out, if I did get out eventually. I thought about what my life would be like with Jason afterwards. I wondered if Alexander was ever going to go to jail for what he did to me. I wonder what was Alexander’s story was. I wanted and needed to know his story and why he raped me. It wouldn’t necessarily give me peace from what happened, but I’d at least know whether he had a problem, or was a complete monster. I wondered if I was the first person he ever raped, or if he’s raped before.


I grew tired of thinking and I laid there, dried blood all over my clothes and face. I just wanted to go to sleep and I knew I wasn’t going to go to sleep willingly. I decided I needed to do the next best thing. I began quickly ramming my head against the side walls, soon finding out that they were indeed hard and would help me fall asleep. After ramming my head twelve times, I fell backwards, laying there. My head wasn’t bleeding but I was definitely even dizzier then I already was. Fortunately, I quickly fell asleep.

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