Chapter 17: You Were Ignored, But You Were Loved

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Jason stood in her room at Delilah’s house. He wore a black suit with a red rose corsage. He stared at Alex’s new desk, her new laptop not even used placed perfectly on it. He sat upon her bed, where they had been sleeping a few nights before. He thought about when they had first met at Starbucks, how they had instantly clicked and how he rapidly fell in love with such a beautiful girl. He thought about how he felt about her and how much he had missed her while she had been in the Loony Bin and while she had been kidnapped by his own cousin, her sister. Suddenly, he felt a tap on his right shoulder. “It’s time to leave,” Freddy said drastically. Jason stood up and walked past Freddy out the door. Johns and Delilah waited at the door. Jason stared at Delilah before they stepped out. Delilah had tears in her eyes. She hugged him tightly, knowing what he was going through. “I know she loved you with all her heart,” She whispered to him. His heart drastically plummeted to the ground. They stepped out the door and headed for the cars. They all climbed in and headed for her funeral.

As they climbed out of the cars at the cemetery, it began to pour. “Her favorite type of weather,” Freddy grinned. They walked in silence, enjoying the cool rain against their skins, as they arrived at her hole and casket. The family stood close together, as did students from her school. Family members she didn’t even know she had stood lining and crowded all around the casket. The priest began with a blessing moving onto the saying priests always say. “Would anyone like to say anything?” He asked. Jason looked up and the priest saw. Suddenly, a woman in a black suit stepped forward. She had black shining hair and she wore a purple corsage. “I’d like to say something as well,” Lisa said, staring down at the closed casket. The priest nodded, “Okay.” Lisa stared at the casket and smiled, “Many of you don’t know me, only a couple of you,” Lisa began. “But I was Alex’s doctor. And she was full of spirit. She may not have ever wanted to talk about what happened, and she was constantly stubborn, but with quickness, I grew to love her. She was absolutely beautiful and funny. She put spirit in me that I had lost right after my fiancé had passed away. I looked forward to seeing her every day that I was her doctor and I was so unbelievably proud of her when she was finally able to talk to me and left. I will never regret not giving up on her. I immediately got attached to her, and I generally don’t do that with my patients and she admitted to me that she had done the same. She was intelligent and wonderful. I’m glad I had the pleasure of meeting her,” Lisa finished, tears falling from her eyes. She stepped back and another woman stepped forward. She wore a pair of black jeans and a black dress shirt. “I’m Coco,” She answered. “I was her roommate. That wonderful, was really something. She was someone for me to talk to and I felt as if she were my daughter. I instantly loved her, but I regretfully never told her. There isn’t a minute that goes by, that I don’t regret telling her. She did an amazing thing for all of us back at the Loony Bin. Thank you Alex. I love you,” Coco said,\ stepping back. Delilah stared as everyone began stepping forward and saying these impeccable things about her daughter. Everyone had truly loved Alex, but they never admitted it. They all either ignored her, or just never got the chance to tell her the simple things they wanted to tell her. Jason finally was able to talk, “Alex…” He began.

He stared at the casket. Tears began strolling down his eyes and his lower lip began to quiver, “Alex, I love you with all my heart. You entered my world and I never went without a day for smiling. I missed you every day that you were gone. It didn’t pain me when you declined me your hand in marriage,” The crowd gasped. Jason ignored it. “I didn’t care that we were insanely young and that we had only really known each other for around a week. I love you anyway, and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. There are no words for what brought me to you, or what made me fall in love so quickly, but I did. I will never forget you and you will forever be in my heart, Alex. Wherever you are, I hope you are the happiest there. I hope things will remain the way they should be for you and I believe that one day, I will find someone new to love and I will be the father of her child. You will come back as my child. I know you will because I have never loved someone more and when you come back as my child, I will love you the same amount. No more no less. My love will forever grow for you Sweetheart,” He finished. He stepped back.

The priest continued with his speech from the bible. He gave a blessing and finished with, “Alex, may you rest in peace.” The people around the casket began to wander away to their cars to stop getting soaked. Not many people used umbrellas that day. Jason continued to stand by the casket. He knelt down at the edge. He closed his lips and imagined he was kissing Alex as he kissed the tips of his index and middle finger of his right hand. He gently placed the kiss upon the head of the casket. He stood up and wiped away the tears from his face. “Good-bye Alex.”  

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