Chapter 14: Goodbye Lisa

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I sat in Lisa’s office being stubborn as hell. “You were starting to open up to me yesterday!” Lisa said. I shook my head, pulling my knees up close to me. I rested my head on my knees. I wasn’t opening up anymore. I was done. Coco was gone and there was nothing else. “You know what; I understand why your parents beat you. They hated you to a pulp,” She said, trying to get me to break. I knew what she was doing, but it just stung like a bee. “They beat you because you’re stupid and nothing.” She finally said. I looked at her and stood up, walking to the door. “See? You’re just going to walk out, letting everything I say to you, get to you. You aren’t going to fight back!” She yelled. I whirled myself around and yelled back, “You want to know what happened? I imagined myself murdering Alexander. I beat the shit out of him first, enjoying every bit of it. Then, I went into his table-drawer and grabbed the gun that sat in there. I pulled back the safety and I shot him straight into the forehead. Then I shot again in his heart. Then, when a blonde came in, I shot her as well,” I said panting from all the yelling I was doing. “I didn’t feel a single ounce of remorse. I then proceeded to cut up their bodies and throw them in the fireplace, washing up all the blood and the towels I cleaned the blood up with. I then cleaned his sheets and blankets and wall and the gun,” I said, a tear strolling down my face, reliving the moment. She stared at me, her jaw open. She closed the file in her hands and set the file down next to the seat where she sat. She sat the pen down as well. I began to pace the room. “When I got out of that cell, I admitted to Liz the truth, which is what led to her letting me go. When I got home, I was beaten to a freaking pulp by my parents. It seemed like they just kept going at it, wanting me to finally die. But it went the other way around. Jason walked in and saved my life. He killed my father, leaving my mother still at me. I grabbed the knife from my father’s back and stabbed my mother, having her intestines fall out. I then stabbed her in the heart, to make sure that this monster wasn’t super human like all the rest out there,” I said, tears still strolling down. I relived every feeling and everything that had happened. It felt like I was re-killing the people that weren’t actually my parents. A single tear fell from my quivering chin onto the floor. “Have you ever killed anyone, whether it was self-defense or not?” I asked her, shaking my head. She stared at the ground, and shook her head. I could tell she felt sorry for me and everything I had gone through. “At the court meeting, Liz came, so after I got off the stand, I trampled her. I felt so angry because of what she did. I ended up telling the police and she went to jail. But the best part was, Johns, the investigator, admitted to me after I broke down, that he was my real dad. He even gave me proof. Delilah, Liz’s mom, was my real mom, who I’d always hoped to be, so she could save me from my real parents. I never told anyone about my life at home, because I didn’t want to burden anyone with it, so I just kept it to myself. So, now, I’m living with my real parents. Or at least parent, I haven’t seen Johns, my dad, since he told me to see you.”

“How do you feel about the people that beat you, weren’t your actual parents?” She finally asked me. I walked over and sat in the chair, “I’m angry. I can’t believe it. Delilah claims to have not known that I was being beaten, which I guess, okay, yeah, she might now have known, but still. She could have saved me from my whole life. I could have a totally different life. I might not have gotten raped!” I yelled. I covered my face with my hands. I was exhausted. I had told her everything. How I felt and what happened. I sighed, and walked out of the door to her office. I ran all the way to my room. I quickly walked in and sat on the bed. I lay down. A few minutes later, I heard a knock at the door. “Go away,” I assumed that it was Lisa. I heard another knock. I groaned, “Come in.” Someone stepped into my room, shutting the door behind them. I heard them sit on the other bed in the room. I continued to have my eyes closed and lay there. Finally, I heard a male voice clear their voice. I looked over and saw Jason. He held a pair of clothes.

“Jason!” I yelled. I jumped off my bed and onto him, making him fall over on the bed. I kissed his cheeks and forehead and lips softly. I peppered him completely in kisses. I got off of him, but still held onto him. “I’ve missed you so much!” I told him. I meant it, though I had barely thought about since getting in here. It had been two whole months since I had seen my boyfriend, and now here he was. “What are you doing with that pair of my clothes?” I asked him. “It’s time to come home,” He told me. “I watched you walk out of Lisa’s office and she told me it was time. She had me bring a pair of clothes for you a long time again, just in case.” I smiled happily. Lisa knew she would break me. She never gave up and she successfully made me talk. I made Jason leave so I could change into the black knee-high skirt, black tights and a purple dress shirt. I felt like a mini Lisa, but I had no complaints. I was ready to go home and Lisa was the reason I was. I opened the door to reveal a waiting Jason standing there. He looked at me and smiled. He leaned forward and kissed my lips softly. “Come on,” He said, grabbing my hand.

Two minutes later, we arrived at Lisa’s office. “What are we doing here?” I asked Jason. “You didn’t think I was going to let you leave without a good-bye, did you?” I heard Lisa’s voice say from behind. I turned around and faced to the one person who would fully understand me. I smiled, my eyes filling with tears, though only one fell from my right eye. I leaned forward and hugged her tightly, not wanting to let go. She kissed my cheek, “You made it so I could have fun again,” She told me. “I haven’t had true fun since Samuel died.” She smiled, a single tear falling from her left eye. She kissed the top of my forehead, “Thank you Sweetheart. I wish you a great life.” I sighed deeply and turned to leave. I quickly stopped and turned around. She stood at her door staring as I walked away. I waved her one last good-bye. She waved back, mouthing the words, “Good-bye.”

As I walked in the door to my new home that I shared with my mother and my step father, I walked in and stared in the eyes of all three of my surprised parents. They all instantly smiled. Delilah jumped up and ran to embrace me. She held me tightly in her arms, “Welcome home Sweetheart.” I smiled. It had been a long time since I last heard that. In fact, I don’t think I had ever heard that before. Freddy took over with the hugging. He gently held me, leaving me to intake his scent. He smelled of sweet and manly cologne. Then it was time to hug my father. I embraced my father tightly, though still frustrated but grateful that he had sent me to a Physciatrist. Going there had helped me a lot. “Thank you Daddy,” I told him. He grinned really big. I could tell he had waited to here that all my life. We all sat down on the couch, me in Jason’s lap. We talked for hours, them asking me all about everything that happened. I admitted that it had helped me by an extreme amount. “But I don’t think I’ll ever forget what happened,” I told them upsettingly. Delilah looked at me solemnly. “I don’t think you could ever forget. The only time you heard people forgetting about it, is after years of it happening and the person purposely trying to forget,” She told me. “But it is possible to move on.” I smiled at the truth in that statement. It was about time I had moved on and finished my life.  

I walked up to my room, hand in hand with Jason. I walked opened the door, walking in and plopped onto my bed. It was so nice to be able to be in my own bed again. He closed the door behind him, standing there and staring at me. “What?” I said, staring back. He shook his head and smiled, “Nothing. You’re just so beautiful.” I giggled and motioned for him to come here. He slowly walked over. I sat on my knees and slid my arms around Jason’s shoulders and neck, holding myself still. I gently closed my eyes and passionately kissed him. It felt so great to finally be back home. It felt even greater to be with Jason, again, the one who I deeply was in love with, even if we had spent so little time together. I was seriously surprised that he didn’t think I was crazy and just leave.

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