AHHHH sorry it took so long :( but I've been pretty busy and I've also been trying to figure out this pain I had in my back. Turns out I have a spasm that is pushing my spinal chord to the right. It's getting fixed right now with pills and therapy so no worries :D
Hope you like it :3
Kewk :3
P.S. Let me know what you think about this chapter cuz it was really spontaneous. I mean, this little arc was more to have a little fun. Now we're heading back into the REAL storyline. You know, all the love stuff plus the MUSIC :D
After half an hour of me trying to hang onto dear life we finally arrived at this deforestated area way out inside the woods. It was, in my point of view, the size of a football field and it had bleachers and stands around it. In total, it formed something of an outdoor stadium with mounts and hills and ramps of dirt as the main forms of entertainment for the competition. I must admit, it looked completely different than from what I had imagined. I thought the ramps and all would be made out of something like metal but it seems they weren’t.
When we got there, straight away, Zoë went to change into her gear. So just imagine this: Zoë in white t-shirt, dark boots, motocross pants with black, white and green streaks, an identical jersey tied around her waist and gloves tucked in her pants. Also, sum to all that: her tranquil personality, her electric eyes gazing at her surroundings, and her wavy hair tied in a messy pony-tail.
I know, pretty cool. Even I thought so… and others did as well.
By ‘others’, I mean guys. And not only those who were going to compete but also those who were spectators for the event.
I couldn’t be more fed up in an hour than what I was now. Most of our time, as we went to get something to eat and to the changing rooms, Zoë and me encountered so MANY guys that these last ones… I could just beat them up despite my ‘shyness’.
“See you later then?” This tall blond guy said to us.
“Don’t think so. We’re leaving straight away after this.” Zoë said to him with a polite smile.
The brunette looked down at me from his even higher physique. “What a shame, then. Maybe we’ll see you some other time.”
Man, so annoying. Couldn’t he TELL I had no interest whatsoever? It’s even gotten to the point that it’s funny that I’m completely not charmed despite his handsome features. I mean, by know I know that I’m a lesb… yeah, I’m gay. (The word is still hard to think and say but I’m sure I am.) But still… I can’t stand people in general, much less insistent ones.
I mean, look, it took me AGES to accept Zoë’s presence.
“Maybe.” Zoë said. She grabbed my wrist and smiled at both of them again. “We gotta go now. I need her to do me a favor before I go in. Bye then.”
They waved at us as we disappeared into the crowd. I felt Zoë’s hand tighten around me and that’s when I knew she was also fed up. Sometimes I had to remind myself the even Zoë was the kind that only wanted to give a good first impression, but I guess that trying to do that more than 10 times in less than an hour can be really tiring.
“Wow” She said as we got to the back entrance of the stadium where all of the bikes were. “Wasn’t that walk annoying?”
“Yeah.” I said leaning back on one of the metal railings that formed a path into the stadium, “And all we wanted were hot-dogs.”
“And we ended up eating them as we walked. Man, and I wanted to sit down.” Zoë said sounding really disappointed.
I sighed staying quiet. My eyes went to the other lined bikes but I wasn’t thinking about anything in particular… only the fact that even though I was here, and it had happened on Friday, Heather’s image was still in my head. Everything kept reminding me about her, from anyone wearing something green to any girl who had a similar shade of brown hair. Also, how could I forget that small, parted-liped smile she gave me?

Teen FictionAlex is not shy, she's simply following her rules to hide in the background of life in general. Or at least she's doing her best to be 'at the fardest end of the social spectrum' Strictly reserved to her own things that vary from music to... pretty...