Okay, so sorry I haven't posted in a while. Getting back to school is such a hassle! And I got the results of my previous exams. Which were PER-FECT. (i'm ashamed if you understand the reference). Anyways, here's the next chapter. Please comment on anything, any predictions or anything you want.Ah, and btw. I had written another chapter but it didn't feel realistic so this is much better. :D
Kewk :3
On Monday, in the afternoon, I was sitting down in my rolling chair completely focused on the homework I had been sent due to my absence last year. Being in the last year of high school, and especially in the IB, not attending a few days can be your doom in the next exams. Considering that I missed the whole week - I really had a lot of work to do.
And ugh! This math homework was probably the most annoying!
“Can’t believe this is basically first year of college mathematics.” I remember Zoë saying some time before winter break. Yeah, she was right about that. It’s just that when she said it, I wasn’t behind on the stuff we were looking at. Now, I feel like I don’t understand anything at all without the teacher here to explain the basics to get this right.
I bit the pen I was using, and after chewing on it for a few minutes I closed my book, closed the binder and set them to the side. Argh… there was no way I would stress myself out for something so… useless to me. School work is unimportant to me. Why? Well… let’s just say that ever since Zoë has come I’ve come back to thinking that I might get involved with music as a job but not as a performer but something like behind the scenes.
And it’s adequate too because now that I haven’t played the trumpet for more than a week, and might not be able to because this jerking hasn’t stopped. Standing up straight for more than 3 minutes without moving was practically the hardest thing to control considering my feet twitched and keeping a note was impossible without hearing the uniform sound being disrupted.
All of this I discovered it alone yesterday and today in the morning by myself down in the studio. It was, I have to admit, more than slightly frustrating.
I remembered when the doctor said that to me. That there was no guarantee that it would stop. I felt seriously in shock just, and I wasn’t the only one. My parents and even Zoë were staring at him with disbelief all over their faces. Funny thing is… that Dr. Murphy hadn’t really finished before we were reacting.
He’d said: “Oh sorry, unintentional long pause. There’s no guarantee that it will stop ANY time soon. The most it will last is around 2 months.”
Yeah, another reason to resent that guy. He gave us all a scare… but despite the sigh of relief I knew that 2 months was a lot. Not only because of practice but because… because of the time Zoë needed to get us ready for the orchestra performances…
… I think it’s better not to think about it.
I heard the rumble of Zoë’s bike outside but this time I didn’t really react to it. I was too submerged into my thoughts to even bother looking outside my window for a few minutes. Plus I was already grabbing my iPod from a drawer underneath the desk already and putting the headphone on.
I started scrolling down my playlists but got so fed up about finding so many that I just tapped on one randomly. Suddenly some kind of rock came up and that was fine by me.
Sigh…. I was feeling much better already with the medicines the doctor had given me. My parents were back to work after noticing it today in the morning, and I was having quite a peaceful time. Without counting the fact I haven’t played any music in a while.

Teen FictionAlex is not shy, she's simply following her rules to hide in the background of life in general. Or at least she's doing her best to be 'at the fardest end of the social spectrum' Strictly reserved to her own things that vary from music to... pretty...