Okay guys! I´ve been soooo busy. I have just answered comments because exams and school have been oppressing me! lol
Well, anyways, enjoy and comment!
Kewk :3
Is it fair for me to say that I felt like an idiot after the IMT director told me that my mom was involved, that Zoë was applying some kind of program on me and that this was all just because of a scholarship I used to want? I seriously can´t believe that so much has been going on without me knowing about it. Plus, why the heck do I have to choose so suddenly what I want to do with my future?
You have three weeks to decide on this. He´d said. Three weeks!
What´s worse is that not even my parents, and much less my own girlfriend, thought of informing me. According to me, I agreed on Zoë having to 'crack my shell' but I was never, ever, aware that this was for a scholarship, that this was all part of something that included the International IMT, and also... I had no freaking idea that my mom had so much control over me in the only aspect of my life where I felt a sense of independece!
I mean... It´s almost as if I´ve been living a lie....
I walked down the main stair case and gripped hard at the sheets of papers that the director had given me. I knew what I was going to do right now but I wasn´t sure whether it was the right or wrong thing to do. Only because of that doubt, I stopped myself at the bottom of the stair case and sat down. My hands went to my forehead as my elbows lay on my knees – I had to process all of this clearly. I had to.
I was called because Zoë was not going continue doing her job – working personally with me... although at some point it has seemed as if we were just a normal couple enjoying a point of common interest.. My mom somehow had the role of starting all of this even if she barely talks to me... And there´s this offer to continue whatever program I´m in in France? This is crazy...
It´s pretty bad, also, because who the heck am I supposed to believe when I ask? The director who had no real relationship with me? My mom, who´s... well, my mom? Or the closest person to me, Zoë?
I stood back up knowing that I needed to breathe some fresh air to calm myself down. I was not up to thinking about something like this so suddenly. What I understood though was that I needed to know what the heck the director was talking about. The program. Where did my mom see it? Why did Zoë actually decide to take this random job? I know she knew about me before even having to meet me, that she´d seen me play the trumpet at some summer camp... that she knew about my fallen reputation...
What I seriously don´t get... is why did SHE not inform me about all of this?
When I opened the glass door to the backyard I could hear the modern pop music sounding in the background creating a modern atmosphere for the breakfast. The tables, with food, were almost empty but they were being re-filled. There was still a lot of things to drink and even more tables to sit at now.
And right in the middle one was my group of friends, finally all of them together: Craig, Matt, Jessica, Heather, Simone and Zoë. It was a squared table and Zoë was at the head of it, her back to me.
I couldn´t stop myself when I saw her calm posture, as if everything was fine, as if she was in control of her life every single second.... Don´t get me wrong, I wasn´t hating on her as I got closer and as my face started to heat up. Now, I felt like she was not helping me by taking control of MY life in an aspect I didn´t know about. In THE aspect that makes me who I am. Music.

Teen FictionAlex is not shy, she's simply following her rules to hide in the background of life in general. Or at least she's doing her best to be 'at the fardest end of the social spectrum' Strictly reserved to her own things that vary from music to... pretty...