I'm not really sure about anything that has happened after that. No one really is. From one thing to the other, everyone is trying to lead their own lives. Trying to pretend nothing has happened, because, what else can you do?
The only thing I'm sure of, however, is that Zoë hasn't been able to sleep. At least not alone.
The first night back home, the Monday right when we went back to school, she called me at one in the morning. She did it in the least expected way. Instead of jumping our roofs, like usual, she actually called my phone. I didn't have to even hear her voice to know that she needed me there. I knew it from the moment that I heard the phone ringing. Almost no one had my number, and if someone was calling it had to be her.
That was the first night. After that, I was given a key which I didn't really use. It was assumed by everyone that I would stay over every night so I was allowed to go in and out whenever I wanted to. It was alright for her parents and my parents. They didn't seem to be able to argue anyways.
I would totally go against them if they did.
Right now, Zoë was laying down on the bed, hugging me close. Her face was not even 3 inches away from mine and her hands were already under my shirt and around my stomach. It was something about the warmth and her cold hands that made this the most comfortable cuddling position without having to spoon. Our legs were intertwined with each other and I could feel her lungs letting the air in and out.
It always takes some time, but she eventually falls asleep. At some point, that was good, though. At least it gave us time to study and concentrate on other things. Exams were over now, though... it's been three weeks since then.
Some deadlines were extended as well and now the only problem there was is orchestra.
I know Zoë doesn't want to face it. No one does. Yet, everyone has practiced the songs she sent. The simple ones. Everyone has been going to practice at the IMT, except for me, and learned them. I knew them ever since she sent them – I can even practice them by just looking at the music sheets and pressing my fingers against my knuckles. I have not forgotten about it – orchestra – and I know it's important for everyone, even for Zoë, to finish it well.
I don't want her to forget that. Not anyone.
I turned my face to my right side and pulled back. We had left the window open due to the slight heat that was already accumulating. Summer was approaching but her parents insisted on backing off from the AC until it was really necessary. It's exactly due to this that the moonlight made everything visible in Zoë's room.
Even her cut.
Everyone at school noticed it. They also noticed her broken arm – which is why she got extra time during the exams since she's right handed – but they noticed her cheek more.
It was to be expected though. It was a long cut. From the bottom of her temple to about her chin, almost, but right underneath the corner of her lip. It was now a rosy pink from where the last pieces of scab had already fallen off. It has been curing quickly but it most definitely will leave a permanent scar.
“I can feel you staring.” Zoë mumbled making me jump a little. I thought she was asleep.
My hand went to her face, right to her jaw, and pulled myself in to kiss the cut. “Just taking it in.”
“Sleep.” Zoë said. “Tomorrow -”
“We have a long day.” I finished.
“Yeah.” She commented as she opened her eyes, pale blue, and stared right into mine. “Why are your glasses still on?”

Teen FictionAlex is not shy, she's simply following her rules to hide in the background of life in general. Or at least she's doing her best to be 'at the fardest end of the social spectrum' Strictly reserved to her own things that vary from music to... pretty...