Hey guys! So before any confusion is made BOLD is Zoë's POV and normal is Alex's - just informing :3
So, anyways. I did less of a spell check for this one. Will check the whole book when it's done :P
Hope you guys enjoy it and remember to listen to the song when the section with the lyrics come up!
Kewk :3
“That sucks.”
I try not to let out a loud sigh in response to what my friend just said. “Jess, you're awfully pessimitic.”
“I try. But not this time.” I heard Jessica say through the phone, “I´m just saying what I think, Zoë. You and Alex are obviously head over heels for each other and college stuff is ruining your romance. What else can I say?”
“Maybe that things will be fine?” I said feeling slightly irritated at how crudely honest she can be. That's what I was looking for when I called her anyways... but I guess I forgot that she can be a little too honest sometimes. She tells you what you don't want to hear... much more if she trusts you so much as she trusts me.
“You know that is not the way I work.” Jessica sighs without any self-control. Obviously she doesn't want to deal with this right now but, I mean, out of everyone I know she's probably the only one I can talkto when it comes to Alex.... especially because with Heather it's a little bit awkward (plus she's busy with Simone now).
After a short pause I can hear Jessica starting to speak before she even says anything. It´s something about the intake of breath that makes me feel that... also, the fact that I know that she usually has things to tell me whether it's about me, her, Matt, music or anything else. That's how we work – casual conversations that lead up to almost everything we can cover.
“By the way, the songs you chose this time are incredibly simple.” She said with a matter-of-fact tone.
“It's meant to be like that.” I responded back to her.
“Well, whatever.” Jessica said, “Dude, I need to go out. Like, do something. Wanna go fish to the lake?”
“That was a sudden change of topic.”
“Do you want to or not?”
“Sure. Only you and me?” I asked, not meaning to imply anything. I wanted to see Alex but probably taking a break for a day would be nice... but it was another matter if Matt came.
“Of course, you idiot.” Jessica said to me changing her tone to a gentler one. “Just you and me.”
“Okay.” I said feeling relieved and feeling a smile form on my lips.
The next morning after facing my mom in all sorts of ways – my future plans and sexuality – I honestly felt like a vaccum cleaner had just sucked up part of my worries... Except for the fact that the bigger things were still left...
I stretched on my bed feeling my muscles still a little tired from the hours I spent studying last night. I´m done with History but I took my time to do a cramming session. That's my trick. Cram, let go, study for long-term purposes. It's a good strategy because you somehow refresh and consolidate information... but it takes a big toll on my back so I make sure only to do it once in a while for only a few subjects.

Teen FictionAlex is not shy, she's simply following her rules to hide in the background of life in general. Or at least she's doing her best to be 'at the fardest end of the social spectrum' Strictly reserved to her own things that vary from music to... pretty...