I put the little plastic looking curved thing on the tip on my finger and stared at it in my barely focused vision. It was doubtable that these things were not an actual waste of money. I mean, sooner or later I’d have to bother myself with going to get new ones or something like that. No wonder I prefer using real glasses over contact lenses…
I wouldn’t have them if Zoë hadn’t insisted on me buying them for special occasions anyway.
I blinked after putting the lenses on and watched my teary eyes go back to their normal appearance. Man… this was such a hassle… preparing for the Christmas party after being out… Of course, it was only for about 3 hours but that’s a lot considering how much for what I usually go out.. which is almost down to zero.
Ah… Only my dad would be the sane person in my house to knock AND say it at the same time.
“Hey, Honey.” I heard.
I popped my head out of my bathroom and saw how my dad had done the same into my room. His auburn hair and slightly naturally tanned skin stood out in my eyes still after a few months of not seeing him. He had only come back from his business trip on Friday but I had barely been home at the same time that he had. It didn’t matter anyway because both of us were the solitary kind apparently. That’s why there wasn’t any trouble before about my lonely acting.
Sometimes I wondered how he’d even been able to marry someone.
Due to that, it was strange that he’d come to my room.
We stared at each other for a while and the longer we did the more I raised my eyebrows.“What?”
“Um….” And you ask WHERE I got the anti-social talent from. To my dad, his ‘handsome’ features (like I had heard from when my mom’s friends visit.) were just a simple genetic curse to the personality he ended up having. “A few girls just knocked on the front door… and said for you to hurry up.”
I turned my eyes tranquilly to my clock and saw how the party had barely started a few minutes ago.
“Did they tell you why?” I asked him not really wanting to know WHO those ‘girls’ had been. It had probably been Zoë, Heather and Jessica… Or should I say ‘or’ one of them along with any girl I definitely didn’t know.
“Only that Zoë,” My dad’s green eyes went up to the ceiling trying to figure out if he’d said her name correct. After deciding he did, he continued with his soft but masculine tone. “Yeah, that Zoë said your solo performance is going to be at 8.30 but before that… that she wants you to meet everyone?”
I rolled my eyes completely imagining Zoë wanting that. Now that I thought about it, tonight was going to be another one of those days/nights where I’d have to brace myself for more human interaction that usual… Oh God…
“That’s all.” My dad said looking at the floor.
I blinked feeling the smooth surface of the contact lenses under my eyelids. Ugh, this was hard to get used to.“Okay. Thanks.”
I was about to go back to my bathroom and put on the makeup (yes, I do know how. I USED to have concerts and all you know. My mom had insisted on me learning on how to do it because she totally hated how the make-up artists did me) when my dad started to say something else.
“Hey, Megan.” My dad said using my first name. The one he had chosen for me. There was no use in telling him not to do it because: 1) I’m lazy to spend so much effort in that. 2) My mom has proved that his habits are hard to change. “You’re… more talkative now…”

Teen FictionAlex is not shy, she's simply following her rules to hide in the background of life in general. Or at least she's doing her best to be 'at the fardest end of the social spectrum' Strictly reserved to her own things that vary from music to... pretty...