Okay guys! Have been SO busy but thanks for the 300k reads! This chapter holds a surprise that will be kept from now on when it seems appropiate to use it. Hope you guys enjoy it!
Kewk :3
I clicked on the email Zoë sent to all of the orchestra members and looked for the trumpet B scores. Zoë. I scanned the notes, looked at the rhythm and imagined the digitation. The songs don´t appear to be completely easy but I guess that they are challenging enough so that we put some effort into it, like usual. Right after giving them a first look I sent them to print at my studio's printer and turned around in my rolling chair to look out the bedroom window.
Sighing, I curled myself up into a little ball and stared at the drawn camouflaged curtains. I hadn't seen her for a few days now. It's been three already since we confessed our plans to each other. The ride back home had been awkward considering how each of us was in our own little world and how neither of us felt like talking anymore. On my side, though, I felt like I needed space and time to think. All of these decision that have been thrown out to me are huge... and I know that I could just refuse them but I still need decide where I want to go even if I am to start college in half a year.
And those wherever I go is probably going to be in Europe, like Zoë had said, and how I had presumed...
… I have to admit it. Not seeing her, not knowing anything about her, missing her for three days.... it fills me with a feeling of dread. Where is she? What is she doing?
It´s not normal for me not to see her. It really isn't.
I stood up with one last sigh and made myself get out of my room (plus remove my eyes from the wall those curtains created between us). I was seriously, the during the other days, not feeling brave enough to go face Zoë... but there was really nothing to face. We both knew what the other wanted. When we said our wishes out loud they started to seem like a real possibility. I hadn´t been completely sure about it until I spoke to the director and confessed it to Zoë. Music engineering sounded like the greatest possibility for me. I prefered being behind the music and not the spot-light....
It goes totally against what Zoë has tried to make of me during these past few months... but it's not that I can't play in public... but I feel like crafting music is way more interesting than just being part of an ensemble.
I opened the door to my studio and inhaled the cinnamon smell that was so dinstictive of this room. It had never occurred to me that Zoë was right, that adding up a smell creates an ambiance. I guess it's good to listen to her once in a while....
I crossed the room to get the printed papers but I got interrupted, yet again, by the Cds I had piled up on one of the main tables I used to study scores. I juggled two of the cases between my hands before I knew it and placed it into the studio player.... It was a piece I had done last week out of nothing. Just the piano and a random tune plus a few other instruments... including my voice. I hadn't written any lyrics but when I started singing along they had come out with ease. A few other songs were only instrumental and even better but I had taken some special liking to this one.
I turned it off and switched the modes to put it on the radio.
It was not necessary for me to dwell in this kind of stuff, not for now. I just wanted to finish my exams and, for that, I needed to study a lot. The problem was that I would get easily distracted by the fact that Zoë's curtains were always closed and because coming down to the studio was too tempting. For example, right now, I had to make myself remember that free time was now to be used for academics and not for fooling around with the piano keys...

Teen FictionAlex is not shy, she's simply following her rules to hide in the background of life in general. Or at least she's doing her best to be 'at the fardest end of the social spectrum' Strictly reserved to her own things that vary from music to... pretty...