My eyes fluttered open in the dim light inside Zoë’s boldly colored room as I hooked the covers with my hands and pulled them closer to my chest feeling the warmth of my body against my arms.
It took me a few moments to realize that I was not in my bed despite the fact that my brain recognized easily the room I was in. I blinked a few times making my eyes adjust a little bit despite the fact I couldn’t see anything to be honest. God… I didn’t really want to move from here, it was too warm for me to ruin it… but then again I needed to be able to see or I’d get a headache quickly. And hell no did I want that.
I reached out my arm and grabbed my black rimmed glasses from the night-stand next to Zoë’s bed. Once I put them on me I could clearly see what a mess her room was. Or at least, the addition that we’d made to it last night.
Sprawled on the floor, on an inflated mattress, was the curly haired girl I had started to know a little bit more. Jessica. She was laying face down on her pillow and her arms were wrapped under her head. She was definitely still asleep considering how her back went up and down in a steady, slow rhythm.
Yesterday, the second to last night before going back to school, Zoë had called us to come over to her house and choose what pieces the orchestra was going to play for our first concert. Since Zoë’s the conductor, Jessica the concertmaster and I’m the… Anyways, the even though the idea dawned on me, I thought that I’d better like or know the pieces well before anything. In the end Jessica and I ended up staying over as we got distracted and started watching movies. We chose 4 pieces though.
It had been a long time since I’ve had a sleepover… ever since I made myself be an anti-social geek I haven’t really been close enough to anyone so that I could do this. I didn’t really miss it to be honest. I mean, I was never really fond of this kind of thing even when I was socially active. Plus the only barely exciting part is while you’re still awake during the night or early morning. When you wake up it’s as if nothing happened.
I turned around inside the bed remembering how Jessica had insisted that she could sleep on the mattress and I could share the bed with Zoë. I guess I didn’t mind because I was incredibly tired. The funny thing is how I live next door and both of the girls insisted on me staying. I did because I didn’t want them annoying me later for it.
As I made myself comfortable again in the opposite position I had been sleeping on I caught sight of a sleeping Zoë who mindlessly had one of her arms bent next to her face. I must admit that comparing this sleeping version of her to the usual adrenaline active one it actually left me in awe. It was the first time I could see her dark eyelashes so clearly and the fair skin she had which has barely been affected by all the smiles she always gives.
… Ever since the party, the moment I cried, I have spent more time next to Zoë that I can admit. I mean, is it even more possible to do that considering how many times a day she was in my presence? I don’t know… it’s as if the moment she had said that all I needed is respect and then needed not to worry about other things anymore I felt like she understood me wholeheartedly. Something which I apparently needed since I burst into tears in front of everyone.
Way to have trust them there. I mean, if I cry then there’s nothing more embarrassing than that in front of a group people is there?
Sigh… Even Heather was going soft on me with her intoxication. Not that I didn’t feel it for the rest of the night but I knew she was holding back…
About Heather… I’ve come to the conclusion that what I have for her is complete attraction… and somehow it’s extremely dangerous for me to find myself alone around her. I think. I don’t want to test it out again. And last time it was an accident.

Teen FictionAlex is not shy, she's simply following her rules to hide in the background of life in general. Or at least she's doing her best to be 'at the fardest end of the social spectrum' Strictly reserved to her own things that vary from music to... pretty...