“Well, well, well.” I heard someone say behind us.
I turned knowing perfectly who it was.
Let´s just say that after the concert we were having an after-party. At who´s house?
Take a guess…
Yeah, Jessica´s.
Apparently, for starters, her parents weren’t home for the weekend, her brother was at a football game, and the house was as lonely as ever. Therefore, those reasons seemed to be good enough for Jessica to decide to hold a party in it. This is to say that there was alcohol, yet this group of people seemed to drink it like responsible individuals. Only drinking enough to feel something, taking care of each other, and not doing crazy things… Which is why I guess that the neighbors haven´t called the police yet.
Anyways, Zoë and I were sitting outside at the poolside after being inside for a while. Honestly, even though I´ve made progress in my social life, parties can still be a little suffocating. I think my face went so pale at some point that Zoë appeased me with taking me to the garden.
“What?” I asked her frowning.
“Nothing, just noticing how the two lovebirds hadn’t bothered to tell me that they are now together.” Jessica said sounding almost heartbroken, which was hard to take seriously since, in my opinion, she’s simply a really nosy person.
“Um…” Zoë said glancing at me. I responded with a raise of my eyebrow since I really don’t care anymore…. After that moment when I realized that I had kissed Zoë publicly, there’s nothing that can surpass that sense of embarrassment. “Sorry?”
“’Sorry’ my ass, you idiot.” Jessica answered back but she winked at Zoë. “Whatever though. It was about time anyways. In my opinion, there’s no time limit for when people can start going out together. Which is why I’m happy for you two. Anyways, see ya. I’m gonna go have some fun.”
I stared as Jessica walked back the way she came from and after a few steps I realized her drowsy movements. Must’ve guessed it.
“Why is she so nosy?” I asked still looking behind me.
“She just cares.” Zoë sighed out as she turned back to look at the pool. Her legs were crossed under her and I knew she was dying to plunge inside judging on her impatient feet movement… Yet for some reason she wasn’t daring to go in, or at least put her feet inside. “She always has.”
I looked at Zoë. She was wearing dark jeggings, a white well-fitting sleeved shirt and black boots. All of that going well with her black bracelets and loose wavy dark hair… This is to say that she had the faint bad-girl look that simply made her looked as cool as ever.
My hand went to her face and I pulled her into to me to kiss her. Now that I had done that back there at the concert I seriously don’t care anymore. Even less right now that we were basically alone in the garden.
I was about to pull back simply to continue feeling the calmness out here, with the background music from the party, when Zoë grabbed onto my own face with both hands and pulled me in even closer. Her lips kissed me intensely enough to make me realize that I was starting to know what the shape of her lips were…
The pace started to slow down a little and when I stopped to take some air, with our lips still touching each other’s, I felt Zoë’s trembled breathing.
“Sorry,” Zoë started saying, “I don’t know what’s going on with me.”
“That’s fine.”

Teen FictionAlex is not shy, she's simply following her rules to hide in the background of life in general. Or at least she's doing her best to be 'at the fardest end of the social spectrum' Strictly reserved to her own things that vary from music to... pretty...