Chapter 47

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I rubbed Zoë's back as she laid on my bed facing the wall. I could tell that she was sound asleep by the way her body calmly heaved up and down. It took me by surprise that after a few days of tension she suddenly decides to jump back in, literally. I mean, it's not that it surprised me... It's more like I expected us to have some sort of awkwardness next time we saw each other. Apparently, it wasn't like that. Not even on my side.

My eyes shifted back from the music sheets to her body. I visually traced her figure, noticing every inch of curves, skin and built. Zoë isn't exactly slender or totally fit... but her body is naturally toned and thin. Adding to that, she has a really nice shoulder built so when she stands up they look elegant and confident. It's really hard to explain it because all I can say is that no matter what else I love about her her body is something that has always attracted me. I actually realized that when I admitted it to myself a few months ago.

So, seeing her lay down there pretty much made me want to go over and cuddle with her...

But, even though just a good 20 minutes ago we had been making-out, I don't want to make myself more confused than I already am. Mom is probably going to be here in an hour and I do want to talk to her. Then talk to Zoë...

I turned to the music sheets I had printed and observed how some of the songs Zoë had chosen were really simple. The one I'm holding right now shows how the trumpet has the melody but it's so simple that I can guess that the arrangement is not so difficult either. Maybe Zoë's feeling lazy knowing that we have exams coming up... or maybe she's got another reason for it.

You never really know with Zoë. You can always guess the different options but never know for sure. This was simple though. Without having tried it I already know how it will sound and how to play it on the trumpet.... You know, after such a long time, that's the level you get when it comes to music.

I ran my fingers up from the side of her shoulder to her face feeling the warm skin against my fingertips. It's so hard not to want to touch her...

“I don't think people like being woken up every 3 minutes.” Zoë said softly, “You're lucky I like what you're doing...”

When she said that, I pulled myself a little closer to my bed by putting the seat of my rolling chair right next to my bed and crossing my legs. Once I was there, I felt Zoë get a hold of my hand and turn around to look at me with soft eyes... the eyes that always made me feel all mushy from just looking at them...

I leaned down feeling my lips reach hers softly... I'm not sure when I had actually acquired mastery at this... you know, kissing her so gently that I would be able to completely feel how her lips are and move...When they touched, I felt hers move against mine immediately, even if mine didn't as I let myself feel it.

Ugh... I love her so much... and it's really, really, really hard not to think about it.

“Would it be corny to sing something right now?” Zoë says as she touches my jaw and smiles.

I smile back against her lips, “Obviously.”

“So...” She said, pulling back and staring into me.

“Don't,” I said approaching her once again to give her a quick kiss. “I'm looking at the scores you gave us. If you start singing I'll get distracted.”

“Well, you are getting distracted even without it.” Zoë said as she kissed my hand and sat up cross-legged on the bed. When she does so she stops before continuing and starts staring at me.

“What?” I say to her once I realized she wasn't talking anymore.

With my hand still in hers, she set her elbows on her knees and covered her face with her hands. I could feel the slight warmness and the actual expression on her face. She was frowning. “I love you so freaking much, Alex.”

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