Chapter One

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Author's Note:

Just warning you, but this book is PG-13. Meaning, the language is strictly mature. And by mature, I mean there's a handful of cursing and dirty humor/descriptions (but it's not strictly 18+ because I can't write really dirty stuff that well). I try to make my stories as realistic as possible and most teenagers curse and use dirty language A LOT today. If you are too young or not mature enough to handle such language, go read a story that's PG or something. Maybe even Twilight has more innocent language than this. There will probably be a swear or two in each chapter and that's not even a lot. There is not that much dirty stuff either but there are a few scenes that people find "gross", and if you can't handle them, please stop commenting, "gross" or "ew" or "what is masturbation" (masturbation is only implied in my story; it's not an actual scene + if you don't know what it is, stop reading, and google it)

(No, I'm joking, if you're just a kid, please don't google it)(but in all seriousness, comments like that are annoying and don't be childish)

11/11/18 author's note: I wrote this when I was 14. It's been 6 years and I'm 20 now, so please don't associate this bad writing with who I am today.

04/26/21 author's note: This story is no longer being updated.

Thank you and happy reading!


Chapter One

I was getting really tired of everything.

I just can't wait to turn 18 and move out with my best friend. I want to escape from this hole. I don't want to stay in the pack forever. I probably will have a mate outside of the pack so it would be better off if I just move out. If I have a mate in the pack, I'll probably just try and persuade him to move out.

Unlike the rest of the wolves, I actually wanted a life. I worked really hard on my grades and I'm planning on being valedictorian of senior year. I don't want to be a she wolf that doesn't have a job and relies on the pack house and her mate. I want to do something. I want to be somebody.

So, my best friend, named Lily, and I will probably get an apartment somewhere in Boston and drive to wherever we go to school.

Of course, we aren't the type of best friends that have everything in common and have every class together like you see in the movies. We have our differences and similarities but we seem to understand each other a lot. Well, I wanted to pursue my dream of becoming a psychologist and she wants to be an artist. So, she takes art school and I get my Ph.D.

We were in the middle of our junior year right now so we have everything set up for next year. I already talked to the Alpha and Luna about it and they were okay with it. Though, they tried a to change my mind.

Luke was a year older than me and is also the future alpha. He doesn't even know that I exist. Even though he was good looking, I had set my boundaries to not go out with him. Lily, my best friend, was his little sister. If I went out with him, then it would be awkward between me and Lily.

So many people tried to persuade me and Lily, seeing as she was the alpha's daughter and I was the beta's daughter.

Nobody knew who we were, hence the reason why Lily and I got along so well. I guess Luke and my older brother Jason, the future beta, draws so much attention that nobody concentrates on us. Heck, sometimes even Jason forgets that I'm even his sister. It goes the same with Lily.

Don't get me wrong, I love Jason, but he can be a bit conceited and a dumbass. He can be overprotective of me too sometimes but only at home.

I sighed and opened my locker to put my stuff inside. I can't wait until school is over.

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