*Chapter 54*

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Zayn's POV

- A month later -

Selena hasn't been feeling good at all lately and I'm truly concerned, I mean seriously. Last night we were cuddling in bed and all of a sudden she started fussing and whining say how her breast were hurting, more like her nipples were hurting her and when I tried kissing and sucking on the problem she cried like tears started to form in her eyes because the sensitivity was to overwhelming for her.

So I stopped of course. It broke my heart to see my baby girl cry like that. But nonetheless I respected her wished as we just cuddled for the night.

Now it's the next morning and me and Selena are in the tub together, surrounded by lavender scented bubbles. I was scrubbing up her body when I reached and grabbed her right breast in hand and oh my lord the thing felt bigger and heavier than it did before last night. I tweaked at her nipple and she whimpered I kissed her neck as I continued to caress her breast in hand, and she moaned loudly with a pout plastered on her face.

"Zayn please stop it hurts." She cried out quietly.

"Baby you've put aside sex for a while now, c'mon." I explain.

"I know, but every time you touch them it hurts." She says removing my hands and getting up quickly out of the tub and rushing out the bathroom, not before grabbing a towel to dry off course.

I finished the soothing bath we were supposed to have together. Before joining Selena in our room.

She was staring at herself in the mirror, in just her underwear. She had her hands on her breast, they looked swollen that it actually made me want to run. But I can't leave my baby I love her to much.

"Baby what's wrong?" I asked walking up to her and wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I don't know." The pout was evident on her face. A tear slipped out of her eye, I quickly turned her around and whipped her tear away. "I know I'm ugly but please don't leave me." She said quietly that it was almost inaudible.

"Princess you're everything and more to me why would I leave you, plus your smoking hot." I say and she smiles for the first time today.

She sighs and caresses my cheek. "Take me to the doctor please." She said cutely and I nodded, because I'm also as curious as to why Selena's breast have seem to get bigger, heavier, and become swollen.

"Anything for you." I kiss her nose and she scrunch it up in an adorable way.

She pulled away and started getting dressed, as did I. She wore a grey sweatsuit, her hair was tied in a sloppy bun and she wore her black converse. While I decided to wear blue jeans, with a white shirt that hung tightly onto my biceps, and regular blue converse.

Once we were dressed Selena looked like she was about to throw up, and that's exactly what happened. She ran to the bathroom and started throwing up in the toilet. I ran after her and started rubbing her back while holding her hair, as she threw up letting all of last night food out of her system. She flushed the toilet and everything she ate last night was gone.

After she finished she washed out her mouth and brushed her teeth, so did I, even though I didn't throw up. It wasn't a pretty sight, I practically tasted the vomit, it was just gross. We walked back into our room, as I reached for my phone, car keys, and wallet.

Bestfriends {Zaylena} #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now