*Chapter 12*

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Half A Heart by One Direction

Part 2

Selena's POV

I'm back in Paris, the most romantic place on the planet, in the world and I'm here by myself. Sighs. Maybe I can find my fairytale prince here. We drive up to my hotel and my manager checks me in. While were going up the elevator I decided to check my phone I noticed I had two miss calls one from Zayn and another on from Harry. Why are they calling me? I mean they both know I have a tour to focus on. But it's whatever I'll deal with them when I get back.

It was 9:00 P.M. here so I decided to take a shower and then hit the hay because I'm tired as hell. Once my shower was finished I put on my shorts and a tank top, tied my hair in a messy bun and went to sleep.

- The Next Morning -

Today was rehearsal before the big show tomorrow. I'm going to the stadium to were I'm performing to rehearse. So I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, use the toilet, jumped in the shower, washed my hair and skin. We both came out feeling clean.

I went into my suitcase and found one of gray sweat pants with black leather on the pockets and and black top that was tight so it'll keep the sweat contained. I grabbed my bottle of water, my bag, phone and charger, and was out the door.

I hopped in the car that was giving to me and drove off to the stadium. Once I got there their were a lot of paparazzi that I couldn't escape from. I put on my shades that was in the compartment of my car and got out.

'Selena are you and Justin back together?'

'Selena did you cheat on Justin because you and Zayn Malik had a thing?'

'Are you and Zayn a secret item?'

All these stupid questions that I wanted to scream out my answer 'No' and stop these rumors but it's whatever I can't deal with more messes and why would they even think about bringing up Justin when everybody knows nothing will never ever happen between my and him again. He ruined every chance I gave him so what makes the paps think I want Justin. And then Zayn made it perfectly clear that he doesn't want to be friends with me so why should I bother.

I walked straight passed them and went into the stadium. I saw my back up dancers and smiled, they always make me happy especially at the end of a show.

"Morning my babies" I smile and they all run towards me and hugs me.

"Awe Sel this place is amazing you should check it out" Cam said.

"Later but we should start practicing" I said and they nodded.

As you guys know I'm dancing to Come and Get It, Stars Dance, and Slow Down some of my popular songs off of my Star Dance album. I think this show is going to be a really great surprise to my fans. We started dancing to the song were going to be performing tomorrow night.

Zayn's POV

Where in Paris, finally, and we have no idea where were going. I went to the fanciest hotel I could find and asked for two rooms so the guys can sleep somewhere to.

"So what's the plan Zayn?" Harry asked.

"Oh were going to her concert" that's all I'm telling them since Liam is really the only person who knows I'm going to propose.

"That's it" Niall said and I just rolled my eyes.

"Yep" I answered taking the key and walking to the elevator.

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