*Chapter 34*

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Zayn's POV

I'm sitting down watching TV when I hear laughter coming from upstairs and the sounds flows throughout the room as I see Selena and Harry. They disgust me. Can I kill him for having the girl that matters to me the most, in his arms? I love Harry but seeing him make MY girl, MY forever girl, MY wife, MY everything, happy irks my nerve and I'm getting sick and tired of seeing them flaunting their 'love'.

"Hi Zayn" Selena said sitting next to me on the couch. This is the closest she's ever been since the last time we talked. I think were making progress on forgetting the past. Well she is, it's still lurking around in the back of my head.

"Hey Selly" I smile weakly, Harry walks in the kitchen leaving the two of us alone, just the way I like it.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"A surprised a date" she mumbled. Date? What date? Why am I getting so worked up about this since the answer it's obvious that Harry's taking her out, it's just...argh! This is annoying me.

"Um, well it'll be less surprised if we made it a double date" I suggest hopefully she'll go along with the plan.

She shook her head to the side indicating her answer. "This is me and Harry's first date...I don't want to ruin it" she blushed and got up and walked towards the door. Why does she care about Harry so much? I mean yeah Harry is good looking, sweet, talented, caring...Oh my god! He's the perfect package. "Harry!" She shouts breaking me breaking me from my paranoid thoughts, with her hand on the door knob.

"Yea?" He walks in with a half eaten sandwich in his hand. He looked like a chipmunks. It was an adorable sighting. No! Zayn, Harry is your enemy/ friend don't make him seem cuter than he already is.

"Goodbye and see you later," she said blowing him a kiss, stupid bastard doesn't deserve any love from Selly, it should all be for me, "Bye Zayn" she said and then left. Well at least she's saying my name without the horror and disgust.

"So Haz, I hear your taking Sel on a date" I say trying so hard not to get jealous.

He nodded. "She told you" he said as if he didn't care that I know.

"Yup, so I was wondering if you can make it a double date?" I suggest hopefully breaking through his walls.

"Zayn, I love you, but no" he said and walked back in the kitchen this time me walking in on his trail.

"Why not?" I whine.

"Because I want this date to be special" he said finishing up his sandwich.

"It will be with the four of us" I slightly smile.

He chuckled, "Zayn I appreciate the idea but I'll stick to one on one for now" he patted my back and walked away. This date is going to be difficult to ruin than I thought.

Selena's POV

When I got home I wasn't surprised to see Liam and Demi making out on the couch, which made me run to my room. But when I walked into my room I was surprised to see Taylor sitting there looking betrayed, hurt, back-stabed, etc. Who in the right mind told Tay, I didn't tell her because I knew she was going to act like this.

"Heyy Tay" I say all cheery even though it's not brightening the tensions air.

She looked at me with a hurt expression. "Don't hey Tay me!" she spat, "How could you not tell me you and Harry were dating for the past weeks" she said folding her arms.

"I know and I'm sorry but-"

"Your supposed to be my friend and you didn't tell me you were having an affair with my ex-boyfriend!" She shouted clearly angry, "I thought we told each other everything and now your keeping secrets...I thought you were my friend" she said sadly. Wow bipolar much.

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