*Chapter 9*

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Selena's POV

- A week later -

So it's been a week since I hooked up with Zayn, he's actually been keeping his distance from me and I don't know why. I mean yeah I'm still getting over last week but that doesn't mean I don't need him. I think I'm going to stop by his house and see if he's been avoiding me for a good enough reason.

I get up from the couch, turn off the tv and head out. I get in my car and head towards Harry and Zayn's house.

- Meanwhile at Zayn's house -

Zayn's POV

I'm home doing my usual routine, having sex with random girls I'm never going to see after this. Even though Selena claimed my body she never claimed me as in relationship wise and I'm not going to wait until she is ready. I can't wait. Or can I?

Well anyways I've been having sex with Tiffany a hot brunette that I met at the bar last night and ever since then we've been fucking. I mean of course we take breaks but those breaks soon end fast. As I was about to climax I heard the front door open and I automatically thought it was Harry but I was so wrong.

When I saw her smile as she walked into my bedroom faded I knew I screwed up again big time and I don't think she'll forgive me this time.

"Selena" I say sadly and she shook her head back and forth probably trying to believe that this isn't real. She stormed out of my room angrily.

I finally climaxed with Tiffany for like the tenth time today and jumped off the bed grabbed my boxers and chased after Selena.

"Sel wait," I plead but she doesn't turn around to look at me. "Please just hear me out" I beg and grab her hand causing her to swing around with her next hand slapping the shit out of my face.

"Burn in hell!" She shout her eyes filled with angry yet filled with sorrow and hurt.

"Sel I'm sorry okay" I plead as one of my hand held her hand and the other onto my burning face.

This slap hurt like a bitch but I know I deserve it. I deserve everything coming to me. "You know I thought you were ignoring me for a good reason but of course I was wrong like always," she scoffed in a humorous tone of voice. "You disgust me" she spat venomously.

"Look it's only been a one time thing" I say letting go of my burning face and grabbing her waist and pulling it towards me but of course she resisted and struggled to get out of my grip but when she realized that I wasn't going to fight back she stopped.

"Don't lie to me I know you've been with half the city," she said in disgust, "And I'm one of those foolish girls who fell for your charm" she said with anger behind her voice.

"Selena you know I will never take advantage of you" I say reaching for her face but she denies me.

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes. "Can you let me go I have a tour to prepare for" she said not looking me in the eye.

"What!?" I yelled confused.

"Yup, goodbye Zayn" she said with no sorrow or remorse.

"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving early?" I asked.

"And why didn't you tell me I was a waste of your time, instead of going behind my back and fucking other girls" she halved yelled.

"Sel you were never a waste of my time" I say trying to get her to understand she means more then everything to me.

Bestfriends {Zaylena} #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now