*Chapter 6*

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Selena's POV

After the encounter at the club when Perrie shouted that she never loved Zayn, it made me happy yet confused I just wanted to know why she went out with him in the first place. Was it for the fame or was it for the publicity for her group. Maybe if I talk to her I will probably get some answers.

I'm currently in my bed and guess who's next to me...yep you guessed correctly. Zayn spent the night but nothing happened, I wasn't going to let him use my body for sex because his ex screamed to a crowded bar that she never loved him. Anyways he looks so peaceful when he sleeps and the light is hitting his beautiful face perfectly making him glow. I couldn't help but stare.

"Stop staring" he breathed out turning on his side and I giggle.

"Bleh" I say getting up and going to the bathroom.

I brush my teeth and hop in the shower, today I decided to shampoo my hair since it felt dirty, so I was taking a longer shower. After I shampooed and conditioned my hair I washed it out of my hair, and that's when I felt a body join me in the shower. I turned around instantly and saw Zayn smirking.

"Get out!" I shout in his face.

"Why? He questioned. "I've seen you naked already" he said laughing.

Why is everything a joke with him? "Because this is taking our relationship to far" I say my voice lowering back to normal.

"So we're in a relationship?" He questioned smirking.

"No were not I meant o-" he cuts me off.

"I know what you meant, but would it be bad if we date?" He asked.

Of course not I'm in love with you, why would it be a problem. I screamed in my head but I answered in the best possible way I could. "Uh...? I don't know" I shrugging it off and turning back around to continue my shower.

"Your beautiful Sel, clothed and naked" he says softly.

"Thanks I try" I blush, thank god I'm not facing him or he would try to embarrass me more...in a good way of course.

"No you don't your just naturally beautiful" he say and felt his cold hands touch my body causing me to jump a little but then I felt the hot water from the shower which than calmed me down, he brought my body closer to his and started kissing my neck. Not this again.

"Seriously" I breathe out.

"You know you like it" he smirks and continues to go down my body until he grabbed my breast and squeezed them as hard and rough as he can. Hurtful much?

"Uh Zayn" I say nervous of what might happen next.

"Selena just go with it" he said calmly as he continued to kiss down my neck.

This felt good but wrong at the same time. "No I can't" I pull away from his grip and grabbed my towel and left him in the shower.

I got dress, I put on a white crop top with a teal color high waisted shorts. I dried my hair out and curled it down and went downstairs and took out two bowls and cereal.

Minutes later Zayn came downstairs in casual clothes since he likes to leave his clothes here a lot, he's able to change. Anyways he went straight to the bowl of cereal I placed out for and started eating before he said something.

"I'm sorry" he says.

"Zayn I really don't care" I say shrugging it off.

"Well I do and I'm sorry" he says sadly eating his cereal.

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