*Chapter 62*

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*The Wedding Part Two*

My Best Friend by Tim McGraw

Selena's POV

The rehearsal dinner wasn't bad, it was actually kind of fun and I was happy the gang and I enjoyed ourselves. But today! Today is the day I get married, the day I become a wife and a soon to be mom. Everything is perfect. Harry had asked me if Leigh-Anne can come, of course I said yes, she makes Harry so happy and I wouldn't want him to have not come with her. They make a wonderful couple and I'm so glad for them, of course I told Leigh-Anne that only she can come, the others can hate me with Perrie and I still wouldn't care.

I haven't seen Zayn since the night of the rehearsal dinner, obviously right after everything was done, the boys took him out for his bachelor party. As the girls did for me, but because I'm 8 months pregnant now, we stayed home and painted each other's nails and braided each other's hair. It was like a sleepover bachelorette party. And I enjoyed every minute of it. When we flew out to Newport Beach I still haven't seen Zayn. But he texted me every ten minutes telling me he loves me and that he can't wait to see me. And how he misses me. And how he wants to just hold me in his arms. Everything he said was so sweet and loving. I just sending him I love him because I really really do.

I was in my dressing room getting ready to start this wedding. Everything is set up perfectly, my wedding planner Mr. James did an exquisite job on setting everything up.

My bridesmaids walked through the door of my dressing room in there baby pink dress. They looked extremely beautiful.

They all wore the same dress because neither of them wanted to look out of order in our group photo

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They all wore the same dress because neither of them wanted to look out of order in our group photo. I didn't mind though because they're my best friends, any dress they wore would've been fine. They look amazing and I couldn't be more happier to have them in my life.

I stood up in my robe and we had a group hug. "Thank you guys for always being there for me." I say with a small chuckle as tears of joy runs down my face.

"No problem Selly, we love you." Elle said with a smile as we broke away and they each gave me a separate hug.

"I'm so glad you're getting your fairytale ending." Taylor said smiling widely.

Demi was silently crying as she gave me another hug. "I'm so happy for you. You deserve every happy moment." She whispers before pulling away. I wipe away her tears and smile.

"Thank you guys, for everything." I say and turn back to the mirror. Looking at my baby bump, I rub it softly and smile. Just one more month and Zayden will be in this world.

Bestfriends {Zaylena} #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now