*Chapter 2*

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Zayn's POV

As I get ready for this evening I just can't stop thinking about Perrie and how she is going to totally freak out once she sees the ring. I think this going to be one of the most memorable nights of my life.

I heard footsteps coming upstairs and then my door swung open to reveal my curly friend. "Mate" I hear Harry's voice.

"What's up Harry?" I ask putting on my tie or at least trying to put on my tie, stupid thing never cooperates.

I saw Harry shake his head at me for having trouble fixing my tie through the mirror. "Everyone is dressed and ready, are you almost done?" He asked impatiently. I could've sworn this is my engagement party? So why the hell is he rushing me like it's his, when it's clearly not.

But I decided to go against my thoughts and answer, "Yeah, uh can you call Selena?" I ask.

He grumbles under his breathe so I couldn't make out any words, then said a straight forward, "Sure" before leaving my room to call Selena.

I heard clacking of heels coming upstairs and heading down the hall towards my room and when I turned around I was completely stunned by my view. Selena looked absolutely gorgeous, her blue dress looked rather tight on her petite body, which made it look hotter on her, and her beige heels seemed to go good with her dress and her hair was all curly and she just looked absolutely beautiful.

She steps into my room. "You called for me Mr. Malik" she smirks.

I fondly roll my eyes. "Yes Ms. Gomez I did" I chuckle.

"So, what's wrong?" She asked walking closer to me and I felt my body tense up. Why? I have no idea.

"Nothing I just need help with my tie" I say and she gives me that 'are you serious look'. I shrug and she rolls her eyes.

"Come on Zayn your 21 and still don't know how to tie a tie" she giggles.

I love her laugh. "Well sometimes I still need to be babied" I say smiling.

"Well not today your proposing to Perrie the girl you..." she pauses then said "love." I look at her curious for her pause but I decided to drop it. Maybe it's nothing maybe she just doesn't want me to grow up so fast. What a caring friend she is.

"Yea, I'm so nervous." I admit.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because this is my first time" I say as Selena finishes up with my tie.

"Oh" was all she said but before she made her way to the exit I stopped her.

"Hey Sel" I say.

She turned around and looked me in the eye. "Yeah?" She questioned.

"You look absolutely beautiful tonight" I say and I see her blush.

"Thanks" she smiles and walks towards me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"You look ravishing yourself" she whispers in my ear and then pulls away with a grin and then walks out the room and heads back downstairs.

When I finally finished I head downstairs and everyone looked really nice in their evening gown, but my eyes kept trailing to Selena. I don't know why though Selena and I been bestfriends since childhood but drifted apart in middle school and became the closest pair of friend again in high school and now I'm thinking about her in ways I shouldn't be. Or just in ways we could've been if she had giving me a chance back than.

"We should go I'm hungry" Niall complains and we laugh.

"Yeah let's go" I say and we all head out to the car.

Bestfriends {Zaylena} #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now