*Chapter 32*

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~2 weeks later~

Zayn ignores me! And I completely hate it, and myself for being reason to why he's not talking to me. And you know what's also worst, Harry is ignoring me too. Argh! Both males who supposedly loves me aren't talking to me.

I'm a nice person they should be able to talk to me, Taylor is confused on what's happening, Elie and Lou are not as confused since Harry told Louis who told Eleanor and now she's mad with me for not telling her myself but it's like how can I when I feel super guilty for hurting Zayn, and just talking about it makes me feel even worst. And Niall is lost in his world that he doesn't notice anything that's happening around him. But I can tell you that it's not effecting Zayn at all, every time we have movie night or one of our monthly sleepovers Zayn has no problem bringing in a new girl over as if he's gotten over me already.

I remember one time me and Zayn we're alone in the kitchen and I tried to talk to him but all he did was ignore me as if I wasn't even there, it was so useless talking to him when we were alone because he never wanted to hear my apologies, and then with Harry it's like he's so sorry for ruining my relationship with me and Zayn that he avoids all eye contact with me as possible and doesn't return any of my text or calls and I'm just like...but don't you love me?... Love can make you do a lot of things but ignoring your love one doesn't help.

I get out of bed and walk to my bathroom, I brush my teeth and comb out my hair just so it won't get tangly when I wash it. I jump in the shower and let the hot water wash down my skin before I let it make contact with my hair.

Forty-five minutes later I got out of the shower wrapping my pink fluffy towel around my waist and my white towel on my head as I made my way to clothes to get dress.

I put on a icy blue colored sweater with a snowman on it because it looked cool, I put on my black track Adidas and fuzzy blue socks. I blow dry out my hair, and head downstairs since I no longer have a relationship life anymore.

I walk in the kitchen in search for food but I didn't feel like going through the struggle of making something so I grabbed the Chinese menu and order general Tao chicken with white rice and broccoli. Yum.

I sat in front of the tv and watched old episodes of iCarly as I waited patiently for them to come.

~Ding Dong~

Well that was fast...? Creepy fast.

I walk to the door and open it not to see as Asian man with my food but a Brit who has been avoiding me for weeks.

"Uh...? Zayn?" I look at him confused as fuck. I thought he didn't want to see my face.

"Um, is Liam home? He texted me and told me to come over." He stated avoiding to make eye contact with me. Is this how our lives going to be?

"Maybe he meant his house, have you thought about that" I spat annoyed folding my arms over my chest.

He grunt in annoyance, "You have a lot of nerve Gomez" he said with a angry growl.

I rolled my eyes, "You don't intimidate me you jack-" I cut my sentence short when I saw the small Asian man stopped on his bike and made his way towards my house.

"8.50" he said with a smile.

I gladly smiled and handed him a $10 and told him to keep the change. The man waved goodbye and left on his bike. I turned my attention to the annoying person who's still at me door, "I own you nothing" I said about to slam the door in his face but he caught it with his foot, stupid shoe.

Bestfriends {Zaylena} #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now