*Chapter 48*

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Only 1 by Ariana Grande

Zayn's POV

We landed in Costa Rica at 9 P.M. and when I tell you I'm still tired, well, exactly that I'm still tired and I can't wait to go to our hotel and sleep. Like sleeping is everything right now and I'm pretty sure Selena feels the same because she's yawing and her eyes look droopy.

"Babe? You okay?" I asked as she stumbled while she walked.

She yawns again and runs a hand through her hair. "Yeah, I'm fine just tired never felt this tired in my life. I can't wait to get to our hotel" she mumble walking towards my chest and resting her head against it.

I lightly laugh as we continue to walk out of the airport. As we catch a cab and soon we were heading to our hotel called the Intercontinental Costa Rica At Multiplaza Mall Hotel. The placed looked so beautiful once we arrived.

"Buenos noches" a Spanish looking dude greeted us at the door, with a tray with Tequila on the rocks with a slice of lime of the rim of the cup, this place makes me feel like I'm in heaven and I finally found my paradise.

"Goodnight" Selena smiles kindly and takes one of the many drinks he had on the tray.

I nod as in my way of saying it while taking a drink and making my way to the front desk.

"How may I help you?" the receptionist asked with a warmly smile on her face.

"I'm Zayn Malik I booked the premium suite?" It came out more like a question because I booked it before Selena even said yes so yeah, she nodded and then started typing away at her computer and then smiled at me.

"Yea your reservation is right here. Your on the top floor, room 505, just call downstairs for more information" she smiled and then rang her bell and soon a bellhop came and took our luggage as we made our way to the elevator.

We still had our drinks in our hands as we waited for the elevator to take us to our floor. Selena rested her head against my shoulder before saying, "This place is absolutely beautiful. I'm beyond ecstatic that I'm here with you" she then removed her head off my shoulder and placed her arm and made duck faces at me so when I would look at her I would peck her lips over and over again causing her to giggle, until we finally made it to the fifth floor.

"Nap time?" I ask once we entered our room just as the bellhop who took our bags brought it up and placed it gently on the floor.

"Yeah, thank you so much" Selena said to the bellhop who was licking his lips as he looked at Selena. I mean yeah she's wearing shorts with a tank top but if anyone is licking their lips and probably getting hard off of her appearance it's going to be me.

"No problem miss, call me anytime you need anything" he flirted but I guess Selena didn't pick up on the flirting because all she did was tip him and even though it was gently she still closed the door in his face. Haha!

"So, do you want to go and sleep?" I ashes taking our bags into our room which is huge. It's so huge it even has a jacuzzi inside. How awesome can this place get?

"Yea, let me just take a shower" she said and walked into the on suite bathroom.

"Babe aren't you forgetting something!" I shout and soon enough I hear the water running and her head pops out through the door.

"Am I?"

"Yeah, you didn't ask me" I say in a obvious tone.

She just rolls her eyes. "Zayn you'll be fine" she said before closing the door. I'm guessing no sex tonight. I laid back against our king size bed and closed my eyes and left the softness of this bed take me into a peaceful sleep.

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