*Chapter 24*

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Okay, so I realized in this story I never really said thank you, or I did and I can't remember but I want to thank my lovelies for reading. voting. and commenting. It really means so much to me that you like this story and I'm a jerk for not thanking you guys more often. So every chapter is dedicated to all of you who support me with all your heart. This is the greatest relationship I've ever had with people in general and I'm thankful...so thanks my lovelies. 💜💙💜💙💜


Harry's POV

- 2 weeks later -

Okay this is some bullshit! Zayn has been locked in his room for two weeks and it's annoying hearing him cry every night. I feel like he's a lost puppy who wants to be found but nobody wants him.

I'm currently standing outside his bedroom door and I hear his sniffling very loud and clear. "Zayn!" I knock on his door.

"Harry leave me alone" well he's a grumpy old miserable man.

"Zayn, you can't stay in there for the rest of your life" I say.

I heard grumbling and footsteps walking towards the door. He finally opened his bedroom door and when he came into the light I took a step back and covered my nose. "Dude you reck," I say coughing, "And you look like a huge mess." I say, my eyes getting watery because his stench is really strong. My eyes felt like it was falling off and my nose wanted to die.

"Thanks, it's the smell of depression and sadness" he said walking closer towards me, but I pushed him back.

"Take a shower, clean up, and get ready, you got ten minutes" I state.

He looked at me confused. "Why?"

"We're going out." I try to smile but I couldn't because his stench made me want to run.

"No your going out I'm staying home."

"Zayn, you can't stay in your room forever, and plus Selena is not going to be there" I kept my poker face so he couldn't tell if I was lying of not. But we all know I'm lying, of course Selena is coming and so is Adam, but I still want Zayn to come out of the house and stop being so depressed.

He let out a sigh. "Fine." He walked away and I quickly ran downstairs. Man he smelled worst then garbage.

- 20 minutes later -

Zayn finally came back downstairs looking better then he has in the past weeks. "You look good." I complemented and he just shrugged. He wore black everything, and his hair of course it's quiff but he added a blonde shriek in the front. It looks cool, well for him it does.

"Let's just go I want to forget" he said grabbing his keys and walking out.

"Okay then" I mumble to myself and walk out the house and get into the car and we head to the club.

- The Club -

We get there and Zayn parks the car on the corner. We walk inside without being bum rushed by paparazzi, thank god, we make our way to our table were everyone seemed to be, well not Selena and Adam but their probably going to show up later.

"Harry?" Zayn questioned my name, so I turned to look at him.


"Why does it feel like there waiting for more people to show?" Zayn asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked in a high pitch voice...oh shit I'm nervous.

He cocks his eyebrows and glares at me. "Well for 1. There's ten drinks, 2. Your allergic to alcohol, 3. There's seats saved" he said observant of everything around him.

Bestfriends {Zaylena} #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now