*Chapter 13*

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Zayn's POV

- 7 months later -

Finally it's been seven long months since I scene Selena and I miss her lots. She's everything to me and now she's finally coming back from tour. I've planned a special day for us just to be alone and care free.

- Ding. Dong -

My doorbell rang and I ran to the door hoping it would be Selena, but then why wouldn't she just walk in. I opened the door but I didn't come face to face with my new fiancé I came face to face to her.

I scratch the back of my neck since I was confused on why is she here so I'm just going to ask. "What are you doing her?"

"Wow Zayn I didn't know you've become rude" she giggled.

What is she talking about. Whatever she has to go before Selena comes and thinks something's up. "Ugh can I help you with something?" I ask.

"Um yeah can I come inside so we can talk" she said.

"Uh I kind of have a date can we do it tomorrow?" I ask.

"Please" she begged this time.

I decided to let her in and she sat down on the couch and started her confession.

Selena's POV

After I got home from my 7 month tour I went upstairs hoping for a soothing shower and a warm cozy bed. But Zayn left me a note on my bed saying that I should come by him around 8. I smiled at the note and decided to get ready.

I took a nice shower and got out within 15 mins. I went back into my room and checked my phone the time was now 7:45 man I'm going to be late. But I'm pretty sure Zayn wouldn't mind.

I went into my closet and found the perfect black dress that hugged my curves perfectly. I put on my shoes and made my way to my makeup station. I put on gray eye shadow with red lipstick. I grab my engagement ring, my diamond bracelet, and my 'S' necklace. I looked really beautiful. I grabbed my bag and my phone and I was out the door.

- Zayn's House -

Once I parked outside of Zayn's house I noticed another car in the driveway. Who could be here? I mean I pretty sure Zayn would kick Harry out for the night so we could alone. I get out of my car and make my way to his door.

"Zayn I'm sorry I hurt you" I heard her British accent say.

"Um it's fine I guess" he said.

I wanted to open the door but I also wanted hear this conversation. "Zayn I know I hurt you in the past but I'm truly sorry" she kept apologizing.

"Perrie it's fine I swear you don't have to apologize" he said.

"But Zayn I still love you" and that's when my eyes shot open. Does Zayn still love Perrie? And does she really love him or is she jealous that he's with me now?

"Um Perrie I like you but love is out of the picture" he said and I smiled.

"Zayn you don't love her" she spat which was kind of hurtful.

"I do love Selena" he shot fire back

"Then where is she if she loved you" Perrie said. Which is true I would be inside but right now I wanna see where this conversation is going.

"I know she's coming" he said. I'm already here I'm just don't want to go inside just as yet.

"Zayn I can make you happy" heard her say but I didn't hear Zayn say anything back and then the voices were on a mute.

I opened the door to see the most heart reneging the thing ever.

"Zayn" I said faintly.


- 708 words -

As you can see it is a very very short chapter but once in a while I will have those. 

WOW Zayn might be in trouble but let's pray they can work on whatever is happening. Selena's outfit is the most prettiest outfit ever isn't that is a beautiful dream I have her. Anyways I hope you love it. Vote. Comment. Share. and most importantly enjoy. Sorry for the short chapter though.

Later lovelies 💜💙


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