*Chapter 56*

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Zayn's POV

- A month later -

I've been thinking a lot lately, about our future life, about our baby, about our career and I see it as unfair. Neither Selena or I should have to give up our career because of new beginnings. I want what's best for my child but if both me and Selena are busy what will happen? Will our baby feel neglected as they get older because they feel like me and Selena were bad parents? Will they turn out bad because of not getting attention? Or will we spoil them rotten because of more attention than needed? These are questions I've asked myself because I know Selena and how she'll get once the baby's born.

I'm up early morning making sausage, egg, and cheese on French toast for Selena since half of last month, but there'd be occasion were I'll give her all my attention. Even though I've been somewhat ignoring her I don't want her to think the worst and leave me, because of my stupid attitude. I'm just confused on our future once the baby is born. I turned the kettle on and continued making her breakfast, that is when I felt her warm arms wrap around my torso as her hands caressed up and down my chest.

"Good morning baby." She kissed the back of my neck.

"Good morning love." I stopped putting the cooked meal together and turned around in her arms. She cuddled into my chest as I wrapped my arm around her neck and held her close.

It was a quiet and peaceful moment until her stomach growled, loudly. She hid her face more into my naked chest as I chuckled. "He's hungry babe, I was making you breakfast in bed." I say kissing her forehead before pulling away.

Her cheeks still flushed from her embarrassing stomach growl. "I know you were but I couldn't stay in bed any longer. I wanted to be next to you." She said with a smile on her face and that causes my heart to flutter. Can this girl get anymore adorable?

As we untangle ourselves from one another. "Well we'll just eat down here together." I say fixing our plates once again and walking to the dinning room and placing them down on a placemats.

Selena took a seat and got herself comfortable before digging in. "What kind of tea do you want?" I ask.

"Peppermint." She says. "With sugar please."

I laugh and begin to make her drink. Once I've made her tea and mine, I walked back into the dinning room and placed our cups down before taking a seat and digging into my own breakfast.

"This taste so lovely!" She over exaggerated, causing me to chuckle.

"Babe trust me, your cooking is better then mines." I smile and she playfully rolls her eyes.

After we finished eating and cleaning up the kitchen together, we went into the living room and cuddled together on the couch. Selena then told me how Demi and Liam had gotten married without our consent. She said she was happy for them but also upset that she couldn't have been the maid of honor or at least worn a beautiful gown. So now we're supposedly planning our wedding. I find it adorable, because she's talking about her being able to fit her dress with her almost two month baby bump.

"I want to get married in like a hall, because I don't want to pay to much for a church and then the hall for the party to celebrate." She said as she flipped through dress magazines. "Plus, I don't want to be on me feet to much so one place should be perfect." She smiled up at me and I smiled back. I mean I shouldn't have to care about our wedding as much, maybe all I'll have to do is get a shape up, my suit, and chose my best man. Which will obviously be Liam even though I wasn't his he deserves to have that amazing honor. Plus, I'm pretty sure Demi will be the maid of honor and Gracie and Safaa could be the flower girls.

Bestfriends {Zaylena} #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now