*Chapter 21*

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Disaster by Jojo

Perrie's POV

- A week later -

I wake up in bed to feel the muscular arms that I've missed holding me in his arms. After him and Selena and Zayn broke up I've been much happier and I'm glad we stayed to the deals agreement. Selena doesn't look, talk, or even think of Zayn and that's how it's supposed to be. His soft snoring makes me love everything about him.

I turn in his arms and stare at his beauty and lean in and kiss his nose. "Good morning" I whisper and he smiles and his eyes flutter open.

"Morning beautiful" he pecked my lips and just stared into my eyes. I've really missed these mornings and I missed him so much that this time I'm never letting him go.

"How did you sleep?" I asked.

"I slept really good" he smiled and then got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom.

I wonder if he had a dream about me? I'm pretty sure he did since he slept perfectly fine. I just hope Selena is ok. As much as I hate her for stealing my boyfriend I know how it feels to lose a love.

- Meanwhile with Selena -

Selena's POV

"I can't believe he left me for after all we've been through" I cried into Demi's lap as she stroked my hair and Taylor finally came back and she was downstairs probably making food for me to eat, but I don't want food I want Zayn.

"Shh! Sel, Zayn loves you he'll come back" Demi tries to false hope me. Who the hell does she think she fooling?

"Demi he knew what he was doing!" I spat, "He never loved me! Just used me as one of his little slut toys" my voice cracked after every word.

"Don't say that Selly. Zayn will come to his senses" Taylor came in with a tray of breakfast.

I looked at the food with such hunger, and to be honest I'm truly hungry but I'm broken, how the hell can I eat when I'm in no mood to eat. Nobody knows how I feel. I hate him so much for hurting me so badly. "Please just let me mope?" I ask as they keep mentioning his name.

"No Selena you've been crying ever since that day and now you won't stop" Demi said playing with my hair.

"Well how would you feel if Liam left you for his ex girlfriend or Harry? huh? you wouldn't know because your not in my shoes...he ripped my heart out...just like before" I say crying even harder.

"Selena you need to move on he's clearly moved on" Taylor said eating my breakfast.

"Thanks Tay your sympathy is warming my heart" I say sarcastically and pick myself off over Demi's lap and started eating my breakfast.

"Good and when your done take a shower and let's go out" Demi said rubbing my back soothingly.

"I'm not ready to leave..."

"No! your coming outside" Taylor said annoyed being at the fact that I've been really deadly this week.

I let out a sigh of defeat and nod my head. The girls waited until I ate all of my breakfast to leave me in my room alone. "Hm, what to wear?" I say to myself looking through my closet I really don't want to go nowhere. I stumble upon some of Zayn's sweaters and I felt like breaking down again. I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, my nose is puffy, my eyes are bloodshot red, I have bags under my eyes I just look terrible. I decided I need a nice hot shower.

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