Chapter Thirty-One

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Alec's POV

My lord is ahead of me, his cape swishing behind him. There is something wrong, though, and I don't know what. Being stuck in this shadowhunter's body is turning me paranoid.

Sebastian is leading me towards the front door and I wonder how he can be so brave as to walk through the institute unarmed. Cool air hits my face as the doors open and we walk out of the institute, undisturbed. This operation is striking me as weird because not one person has stopped us from leaving, although there are plenty of people in the institute. Maybe my Lord's strange behavior has something to do with it........

"Alec! Focus and hurry up!" Sebastian snaps. 
There is a slight quiver in his shoulders after he says this, which sparks up my curiosity. There is no way that this is my Lord and all I need is a way to prove it.

Jace's POV

I rush over to Izzy, who is struggling to breathe.
"Shh, it's ok. Everything will be ok, everything will be ok." I repeat as I caress her smooth black hair. I don't care that Alec is possessed by a demon, he is able to take control at some point and the fact that he didn't when he was pummeling his siblings shows that he is a sick person. Believing that he would do something like that is almost as painful as being beaten up by him.

"Jace." Izzy's weak voice calls out. 
"I'm here, don't worry." I soothe her.
"I know you are here, you idiot. Didn't you just see Sebastian? Why aren't you going after him?"
I'm shocked by Izzy's words. She could be fatally injured and she wants be to go after the person who caused her pain?
Reading my mind, she reaches out and pats my arm. "I'll be fine, Jace. An iratze will heal me."
"But why would I go after him?" I spit him as though it was poison to my mouth.
"Jace, he may have hurt me and you, but it was never Alec who did those things, it was the demon inside of him. No matter what, he is still your Parabatai and you need to be their for him during this difficult time."
"But-" I go to protest, but Izzy cuts me off.
"There are no buts, you are going after him and you will help save him, got it?"
I nod mutely as she pats my arm and motions for me to leave. As I'm about to exit the room, I turn back and look her in the eyes.
"Are you sure you will be ok?"
"I'm certain."
I take one last look at my sister, knowing that it could possibly be the last time I see her.


Tessa's POV

My heart is beating so fast and loud that I'm certain that Alec can hear it. I have no idea what was running through my head when I decided to turn into Sebastian. This was a bad idea. What if the demon realises that I'm an imposter?
No, he won't, he can't. Demons are known for being a little dumb at times. I reason.
But where was I going to take him? Hopefully Jace will come after us.
Why would he? He thinks that you are Sebastian.
No, I will figure out a way.

"My Lord, where is it that we are headed?" The imposter asks.
"Just be quiet and follow me." I snap, my heart beating even faster.

Then an idea forms itself in my head. To change Alec back to normal, all I have to do is banish the demon inhabiting his body. But how to do that.


A smile creeps onto my face as I think of the sparkly warlock, but I immediately  replace it with a frown. I cannot be seen with a smile on my face, or else Alec might suspect that something is up. 

Now all that I need to do is find a place where we can rest for the night that the demon won't suspect as a cover. Then I'll say that I need to attend to business and I will escape to Magnus' house where I'll ask him about banishing demons. A perfect plan.

Hey guys,

Yay, I updated! This chapter is longer than the previous ones because I felt bad for not updating as much. A lot has happened since I last updated, I turned 13 and I finished most of my assessments. Hopefully this will mean I can update more often. In the last chapter, I asked if I should post a story and unfortunately I didn't get any responses. Please remember to be active! This motivates me to update more often, plus makes me happy!
Thanks for reading.

Time SwitchDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora